
Why so angry? This works for some people. Why do you even care?

Nobody is saying that this is the recommended model or that you need to do it. They’re just saying it works for them. Lots of people feel pressure to shack up when they don’t want to do it. It’s just nice to know there are other options.

I love the pods idea! That is ideal. It’s something I think about all the time, especially with the pool! OMG. Why don’t rich people live exactly like this?

I felt the same way before I met my partner at 41 years old. I’m 48 now and we’ve been living together for three years. We took our time, that was key. I was also very clear that I would need space alone in the house a couple of times a week, and that I’d give him that space too. We now have a 3-bedroom house, which

Really excellent performance. I was blown away.

Dern is really loved by her peers and much of the press. It’s a nomination for her body of work, basically. And she’s going to win.

Antonio Banderas is white. I mean, he’s European, and Europeans are Caucasian, and Caucasians are white, right? Or are we segmenting the population to such an extreme length that people from Souther Europe aren’t considered Caucasian anymore?

Sorry you were depressed. I stopped visiting my family a few years ago, after a similar experience. Stayed at a hotel, but still left feeling like shit. Not all families are close, and you don’t have to keep trying if they make you feel bad. You’re not a bad person. 

Could not agree more. Mess of a story, and muddled social commentary

Could not agree more. Mess of a story, and muddled social commentary

I saw Last of Shiela as a kid too, an afternoon movie no less. I loved it so much. You’ll love Knives Out.

I honestly don’t get this. Why is it offensive to use “female” the same way we use “male” as in “male writers” and “female writers”. Nobody ever says “men writers” yet now we’re supposed to say “women writers” because “female writers” sounds clinical?

Thank you. I’ve been saying this to my friends a lot since this happened. Because Gill dressed a certain way and often used masculine pronouns and such doesn’t mean they were trans. Whoever is making that assumption doesn’t understand how lesbian / queer culture works, or worked at the time.

I saw it in previews last weekend, and I would say it’s not subversive at all. It’s just a REALLY GOOD detective story. Maybe the subversion comment is about it being actually GOOD, as compared to, like, the Murder on the Orient Express remake. 

The vast majority of murder victims are male too. In the US 77% of victims are male. In some countries, it’s a higher percentage, some lower. Of course, most murder victims on TV are female. I don’t know why that is, but it’s disturbing.

Sounds just as annoying as the original. I guess I used to hate watch it back in the day. Jamie was just such a horrible character, in a really real way. Like getting pissed off that her husband doesn’t get her a toothpick. What a jerk.

YES! The OOs movies and the original TV show were CAMPY FUN. This new one looks like it’s trying way too hard to be empowered and woke. Nobody wants to see that. We want our action movies to be fun. End of story.

Everyone forgets about Resident Evil. That series went on FOREVER. And also Underworld. 

I watched it as a kid in the 80s, on reruns, and loved it. I was a gay boy, but all the the girls played “Charlie’s Angels” on the playground. It was a great kid’s show. The sexy subtext is really silly, and was mostly lost on us.

Every time i read a comment like this, I’m like, what theaters are you going to? Where? I go to the movies about once a week in the fall, about once a month in the summer, and I have never had an experience like this, ever. I live in Oregon, so maybe people are more chill here?