I don't think I've ever seen anyone say Montana isn't a western state. It just.....is. Why do you think it isn't?
I don't think I've ever seen anyone say Montana isn't a western state. It just.....is. Why do you think it isn't?
Not sure it's fair to paint Beyonce as an exploited child star. That woman is a born Entertainer (with a capital E no less) and seems well-adjusted, happy and incredibly secure with her life. I wouldn't trash her Mom on her behalf.
Both of those pictures are 'shopped as hell. Boo. :(
My best friend's twin brother's wedding was the business. The bride's family is how do you say.......very Clampett from the Beverly Hillbillies. Simple country folk that did very well in real estate. We are at a 5 star resort and in the lobby after the rehearsal dinner, the sister of the bride BEAT THE SHIT out of…
Is Crufts seriously going with "well, we told you not to leave your dogs alone". Jesus, that is embarrassingly tone deaf.
That's amazing. My sis is an OB/GYN and she completely disappeared until her mid-30s. It is so incredibly brutal. If you have the time and money in the middle of it all, good for you.
I don't get why everyone has to individually drive their child to school. Car pool this shit and save everyone the time and trouble! Don't you all live in the same neighborhood? Why are 100 people driving 100 kids to the same location within blocks of each other? It's the weirdest damn thing.
I had that once. It's a heartbreaking thing to lose because you really feel like "the one" got away and that's that forever and then you die alone. Hold on to that one.
When you say "I'd rather have been hit" you sure make it sound like you weren't. You preferred the physical beatings to the emotional abuse? Why not just say that instead of what sounds like the opposite? Good luck with your anger.
I still hug and kiss my pillow/dream boyfriend like a goddamn 11 year old girl. I'm going to die alone, aren't I? :(
I imagine kids who got hit would gladly change places with you. Being abused sucks, the hardship olympics are tedious.
If you don't have kids, you *really* have no idea what you are talking about. Everyone was perfect when they were little, noone ever misbehaved. Rose colored hindsight. I'm not a parent and I know enough to shut my mouth and not tell others how easy it can be if they just (insert bullshit from a non-parent here).
This is why I would never be a parent. I also have little patience and would lose my cool. Your son doesn't deserve to be treated that way and I hope you are able to get some help to calm your nerves and develop coping skills. You're brave to be honest, take that honesty to a parenting coach. There's no shame in…
Your kid is lucky to have such a thoughtful parent. It will serve her well. Good parenting, you!
You wanna have an infant when you're 50, go for it. But I'll be damned if I'm going to allow an old(er) lady to use the term "chillax". Only an awkward tween can pull that off. Stop it, ma'am.
Yeah, alright. But for a normal situation, when women are forced back to work during a divorce, the income barely covers childcare. This situation is obviously different. This asshole left his family when his wife was 4 months pregnant. He should be forced to follow the law at the very least.
Yes, the income potential for a 40-something stay-at-home Mom is super high. She'll be able to make literally dozens of dollars and have her pick of job offers.
I think you can edit if you do it within 5 minutes.