My only complaint was that the models they use are often very well proportioned with flat stomachs, curvy hips and breasts.
My only complaint was that the models they use are often very well proportioned with flat stomachs, curvy hips and breasts.
I find the idea of a manager that actually knows how to do the jobs of the employees they manage hilarious.
Manager account spotted.
Mutual bearding.
but I’m not going to jump down someone’s throat for using words like that in casual conversation.
Totaly agree. I think there are probably a few reasons. The main one is that, when untreated, it is exhausting for other people to never know where they stand with the other person and to witness them go through bouts of self-destructiveness. It makes relationships difficult and frustrates everyone involved.
i like Swiddle. or Tiddles.
Wow. Just....WOW. Congrats on dodging THAT bullet.
Can’t wait for his college lecture series: “guys, it’s not worth it. If you’re going to rape an unconscious girl, make sure you take her into a room with a good solid lock on it. Out back next to the dumpster is JUST TOO RISKY. Even if you can swim real fast.”
These things force me to never want to put myself in a position where I have to sacrifice everything.
I loved Top of the Lake.
My reactions while watching Sense8 have ranged from “WTF” to crying. Excellent show.
Literally got the chills thinking about them filming RIGHT NOW!!! Yay!
You need to educate yourself about GG. You want to know what actually made GG misogynistic? The fact that it started as a campaign by Eron Gjoni to trick 4chan into harassing Zoe Quinn using a multipage screed of disproven lies and idiotic “Quinnspiracy” videos. The term “gamergate” was first coined by Adam Baldwin in…
Don’t be ridiculous. This is about ethics in ass-grabbing!