
My students like The Veldt by Ray Bradbury.

Stop with the laugh tracks...nobody wants that


The bar is set REALLY high, so they better not blow it:

I could not disagree more.


Good. I have nothing but disgust for famous actors who could get jobs anywhere, but juuussst had to have that Woody Allen movie under their belt and in doing so is all “Well what happened was none of our business.” Gross, the whole lot of them, and I will fucking judge them.

The LL Bean Hunter’s Tote in camouflage comes in 3 sizes. I have the medium for everyday use, and I like the zip close version (though they make an open one as well). Get it monogrammed in neon orange (just one of 47 choices), and you have one hot tote for only $39.

Goop sex is where, after finishing, you take the bodily fluids that result, smear them on your taint and drag it across the floor a la butt scoot so you leave a trail like a snail.

Wouldn’t it have been simpler to just PhotoShop the original picture?

I think we all know the most reasonable solution: separate restrooms for conservative men.

I feel like those are all valid options

Really not sure what you’re supposed to do on the last day of your twenties?

This would never have happened if she had a gun.

I'm with you, I was hoping for a sad Keanu sitting on a bench alone situation.

Kirk Cameron being a religious zealot and disgustingly offensive is old news, it doesn’t even shock me. I barely notice. But the opportunity to grammar police him is a fun new angle.

I don't know what this is, but it sounds right.

Absolutely. It’s a travesty that more women don’t know that the easiest way to prevent strangulation and rape is to hit the X button three times, then quickly alternate between L2 and R2, and finally R1 to shoot the guy with his own gun. Simple really.

I’m ready for the Night’s King to really start fucking shit up.