What in the hell did I just READ AND SEE!?!?!
What in the hell did I just READ AND SEE!?!?!
Is it just me, or does Dakota Johnson look like she literally would rather be set on fire than have to deal with this shitstorm crap story (and it’s PR bullshit) another fucking minute?
Are you serious? omfg....
I would seriously rather watch the Avatar sequels, any forthcoming Pirates of the Caribbean movies, any and all Jerry Suckheimer film with guns on moon cars, the Britney Spears movie and every single episode of The O’Reilly Factor before having to endure the astounding suck that is the Mama Mia movie. Or it’s…
Yeah, wtf. Without Alexis, this is nothing.
But they are sooooOOOOooooo edgy. They totes don’t need to follow those rules. And smoking is... like..... cool and not at all a fucking disgusting habit.
“Look, Raist. Bunnies!”
Winner winner chicken dinner!
I wonder if the line-feeding would have anything to do with him only taking on these super eccentric roles that require a lot of makeup and FX.
“She never asked for help....”
Oh yes... and the FB praise he gets for making that boxed mac’n cheese like it is the best culinary achievement in the fuckin’ world.
Maybe it’s an age thing because I literally give zero fucks what other moms say or do in/around the school. I’m 46. My kid is in 4th grade. I say hello to the moms I know and talk to the ones who are standing around and are open to small conversation.
Fuck the TERFS.
Most women are the default parent anyway. Sure, many dads are hands-on, but when it comes down to getting the kids up, feeding them, signing permission forms, checking homework, making lunches, ensuring there is money IN the lunch account for school, washing up, brushing teeth.
Or that they are a masterchef because they whipped up a box of kraft mac and cheese. “OMG THIS IS THE MOST AMAZING THING I HAVE EVER TASTED. I did it! I got big boy underpants!”
But what about all those perverts pretending to be transgendered who are just waiting to prey on little girls in the women’s bathrooms? Because that shit is all over the news, am I right?
So apparently this guy surfs the internet enough to SEE all the flagrant sexing by young people and teens on instagram and whatnot, but he has never been to a news or social media site where officials like him are called out and publicly humiliated for their shitty rulings.
So he is the original Red Pill member.