
This “narrative” (hereafter referred to as “the fact of the matter”) is confirmed by this exact link. Maybe you stopped reading right after the first sentence here:
“In broad trends, the data show that men are more likely to experience name-calling and embarrassment, while young women are particularly vulnerable to

Women have been harassed for being women since the dawn of time. But sure, we’re super surprised it happens online too.

I’m pretty sure these memes were made by the supporters or camps of his opponents, not by liberals. If you’re bent out of shape because Gizmodo is disseminating a mean meme about Rubio, I warn you to stay away from the rest of GM, where you can find bloggers shitting on all the candidates.

Wait a minute. I thought it was democrats that killed babies. Get your shit together.

I agree completely with your correct assessment that no one has ever made a meme out of a Democrat.

I think part of the reason is that Bill Cosby stars front and center of The Cosby Show. He is visible in almost every scene. Someone can watch Chinatown and have no idea that it was directed by a person who would be arrested for rape if he ever set foot in the US again (Polanski).

One? no. However I don’t think there’s an extensive ongoing legal effort to cover up their crimes.

I don’t think that this is a race issue. I’m pretty sure Woody Allen and Polanski are guilty, and in an ideal world they would be prosecuted. But they didn’t have a public persona like Cosby and not how many victims 50 plus? condemning him. Cosby spent years portraying himself as a benevolent dad or “friend” character

I think it’s the sheer volume of crimes he committed over such a long period of time that separates Cosby from those other powerful abusers from the entertainment world, though it’s possible race plays a factor as well. At any rate, Warner kind of sounds like he’s speaking from a place of spite rather than concern

1. There was plenty of outrage about Jolie playing Mariane Pearl, probably around the same amount but this sort of stuff is even more amplified by the internet now than it was back in 2007.

There was outrage. Just not as big because the social media platforms that people use these days to complain were not as big when that movie came out back in 2007. Twitter was just getting popular. Tumblr was still in its infancy. Same with Youtube.

Let’s stipulate that Uzo Aduba would have killed as Nina Simone. Can we have a moment of sympathy for Zoe Saldana?

Even putting aside the fact that this is an insane and asinine thing to say, Gawker posts about Trump every 5 minutes!!!!!

Yes. I’m only allowed to complain about one thing per year, and this is my thing.

Do they...?

I made more waitressing in bars than teaching in colleges. Everyone thinks this is hilarious - especially students who thought they were my "boss" because "we are paying YOU so much."

A bigger issue is that jobs that really just require a HS diploma(and used to) now require a 4 year degree AT LEAST, so you can show them you are adequately in high debt and likely to stay in their crappy job working for shitty managers, and enjoying their disappearing benefits forever. Or until they go under, get

Before people start in on knowing how much they make before I made it my major, shut the fuck up.

Wages rose slightly in the mid-2000s, but have dipped again: the median overall hourly wage for a 30-year-old in 1984 was $18.99, in 2004 was $20.63 and in 2014 was $19.32.

You forgot to put “job creators” in quotes.