
Great article. As a woman of color, I’ve had the same unease about Bernie’s so called “revolution”. He talks most about the issues that matter to white progressives and white elites, while treating issues that matter to the more diverse populace (criminal justice reform, racism, gun control, immigration reform, equal

Even yesterday, the Gawker brogressives are still pushing the narrative that everyone hates Hillary. When pointing out that 3 million more voters liked her than Bernie, they respond that these people voted for her, but still hate her.

I like when they tell me I’m personally responsible for killing Syrian babies. Okay.

That fucking bird thing was the moment his “movement” crossed over to the ridiculous. He’s not a savior, he’s not their gentle fantasy grandpappy, and he’s not Saint Francis with a happy little bird perched on his shoulder. He’s a shouty old politician who wanted the power of the Presidency. I say settle down, fanboys

I’m really surprised I haven’t seen that comparison made more often. And I’m so tired of seeing that stupid bird.

Last week? Week before last maybe, Rachel Maddow cited a survey that charted the “Bernie or Busters”, those who claimed they would vote for Trump over Hillary.

That’s what drives me nuts—the idea that Bernie is perfect. He’s not. And I don’t mean he’s terrible or delusional, just that if somehow he got the nomination and won, these hardcores would be devastated to learn that as PRESIDENT, the guy is going to have to make horrible, no-good-scenario decisions, work with

I just post this link and let the data speak for itself. Hillary won under every circumstance, even the imaginary ones that Sanders proposed.

I like it too. I have a hard time with the Deniers, who don’t believe that Bernie lost- or, *if* he did, that it was someone else’s fault/responsibility that Bernie lost. (As opposed to the reasoning that Hillary got more votes/states.) And the “hillary’s a republican, so vote for trump”...I have no words for them.

You know, I would love to drop the Bernie bro stuff. But I follow Hillary’s Facebook page and so get to do a daily wade through a teeming ant mill of “true progressives” screaming about how she’s a lying bitch who stole the election from Bernie and that they are voting Trump just to stick it to her, and I just don’t

I get it. I was never one of those supporters who throws Benghazi in her face or hopes she gets indicted. They are truly moronic. They have no idea what that would do to the party or our chances of taking control of the Senate or gaining ground in the House (until the next U.S. Census). They make absolutely no sense

I don’t know if I’ve ever wanted someone to be president so much in my life. Like, I really wanted Obama to, but for mostly symbolic reasons (from the historicity of being the first African American president to the true power of his rhetoric and ideals... I mean, that “red state/blue state/united states” line STILL

What they don’t understand is that Hillary has always had the majority of the democratic support. We just weren’t vocal about it because we didn’t want to deal with the verbal abuse. I even got banned from a couple of sites a while back for questioning the Bernie supporters. I just decided it wasn’t worth it to

I will stand up to blatant misogyny and sexism whenever I see it, including all those brogressives acting like entitled children. It’s past time that brogressives get called out for it imo. It goes beyond this election and primary.

FWIW, I don’t think you’re a Bernie Bro. IMO, there’s a difference between a strong Bernie supporter who is glad he hasn’t dropped out, and a Bernie or Bust Bro. ps I’ve supported Clinton all the way, and am also tired of being called a Shillary supporter, among other things.

The entire piece by the Times is worth a read, it’s a great look at how she would approach her first 100 days and also just a reasonable take on her in general.

I would love to live in a world where the Bernie Bro is a moot point. The fact that you realized that a Bernie or bust movement would be counterproductive to what Bernie would actually want automatically makes you different. You understand that there is a bigger picture and that no candidate is truly perfect. You get

I agree. Really, I’m tired of all the misogynist bashing of my candidate (and, consequently, of me as a supporter), followed by whines of “You neeeeed to REACH OUT to us!” Followed, of course, by more bashing (or, more subtly, pinching without leaving marks).

It reminds me of that time when RBG responded to the question “When will there be enough women on the supreme court?” and she said when there is 9. It caused a mild uproar that women thought we deserved more than half. Men have had more than half for, what, over 200 years? Women take a third for a couple years, and

Cabinets full of women > binders full of women.