
You have no idea how congress works and that Bernie wouldn’t get a single fucking thing done, do you? You have no idea how government works. You understand the president isn’t a dictator, right?

But... it’s not a risk you’re taking for yourself. You’re gambling on the rights and quality of life of minorities and similarly disadvantaged people. As you’ve said, you don’t stand to lose much if Trump does get elected. It’s not as if you’re making a brave personal sacrifice; you’re expecting less fortunate

It’s disingenuous and absurd to call Clinton a Republican. You may disagree with her fundamentally on many issues; cool, that’s your position and I respect your passion for your values. However, you can argue against her without lying about her policies.

Sorry, but I trust black people to determine who would represent them best, not some condescending Bernie Bro who knows what's better for them then they do?

You are incredibly ignorant. What Republican supports abortion rights, gay marriage, trans rights, affirmative action, mandatory paid maternity leave, fair pay for women, voter rights, a higher minimum wage, campaign finance reform, universal healthcare, strengthening Medicare and social security, raising taxes on the

So many Bernie voters act like this, even though Hillary and Bernie’s actual voting records are almost the same and Bernie’s extreme ideas will never be enacted if congress stays the way it is. It’s the dumbest, most frustrating ideology.

That’s just insane. Your way or the highway is no kind of political position. Hillary supports pretty much everything Bernie does. Your hatred of you does you no credit. I mean, really, I just can’t even. I didn’t think people like you actually existed, just a rumor. Cut off the nose to spite the face. That’s just

In no way is that true. She won’t roll back civil rights, she won’t help destroy planned parenthood, and she will put lefty judges on the supreme court. That is the sum total of what we need from the president right now. So you either want Bernie or Trump? That makes absolutely no sense. You aren’t making any sense.

So, if the republicans win, it will not be “ my” fault, it'll be the fault of people like you who bent over for decades and refused to stand for anything because they tried to stand for everything.

This is the real issue. It’s becoming a question of simple mathematics. And Sanders has been almost completely unable to convince black voters to throw their lot in with him, which is how he’s lost every Southern state so far (and he’s projected to lose Florida, as well, although there’s time for that to change).

That’s amazing. Amazingly horrible. You ought to be ashamed. If the repubs win, which is a real possibility, it’ll be because of you. And by you I mean people who say that. I just can’t even. fuck you so much.

No, I was just wondering if you had a better idea than I did of the path going forward. Right now Clinton is outpacing her projections by an average 16%, which is the equivalent of beating Sanders in a national poll by +16 points. Sanders has underperformed, mostly due to low youth voter turnout, overwhelming support

Gawker assumes that a state with a large area must also contain many millions of voting citizens. In reality, the large western states can be less predictable in primaries and off-year elections precisely because their populations are small and subject to statistical anomalies. (In Gawker’s world, our current

Oh, bless your heart.

I totally respect Sanders’ grassroots campaign and his raising of donations. The issue I see is that in some of the states he lost, he actually outspent the Clinton campaign, and after Super Tuesday. Going by 538's primary forecasts which have been really accurate so far, he’s got an uphill battle going forward with a

What do you foresee as his path to winning from here?

The actor who played Colbert’s black friend on The Colbert Report (they had to hire an actor because the show didn’t have any black employees) wrote a truly depressing article about this years ago. One of the things he talked about was meeting a Daily Show writer, asking about the application process for the show, and

That gatekeeper notion would be a real a-ha moment for a lot of people, I bet. The studios probably don’t even realize all the ways in which the deck is stacked. That’s not a point of absolution, but it is a potential point of education.

Congratulations !

I had cancer at 29 and a recurrence at 31. Every gray hair is a reminder I didn’t die when I was 29. Every wrinkle is another day I got to spend with my family and on the planet because I didn’t die.