
They don’t call him The Great Communicator for nothing.

For some reason, this makes me think about the way people describe Bill Clinton. Even people who don’t like him comment on his ability to make people feel seen and heard. (Not just interns.)

The way she described Ben reminds me of many women’s relationship with narcissistic men (I know that n word is thrown around a lot, but I think it’s an epidemic in this culture.) Reaaaally trying to avoid ever being with anyone who is Brilliant And Generous And Charismatic but makes me feel small. Big people should

Yes, the fucking Steubenville rape apologists have found a new cause. I saw this on pinterest and it was so right on about what happened:

I actually don’t have a problem with the focus being on the criminal rather than the victims because let’s be honest here, that’s where the story is. what I want to know about is the criminal’s psychology, history, what makes him/her tick, etc. That’s what’s interesting in articles about crimes.

The entire notion of “fully rounded” portraits of the perpetrators of multiple heinous crimes is a disservice to victims. No one cares about Assad’s years training as an ophthalmologist in Damascus, especially not while most of his victims go unknown and unheard. Neither does anyone with a grain of common humanity

Yes. It seems an unwarranted act of generosity to assume that he just blossomed into a predator after becoming a cop. He was probably always this way and being a football player just put him into a context where it was easier for him to get away with it. His behavior as a cop makes him sound like someone who’d been

It might have protected him more and offered him more victims.

The man abused women he knew were vulnerable and wouldn't be able to say no. He is a predator. I don't think not going pro would have stopped him. It might have protected him more and offered him more victims. Failing football didn't turn him into a predator.

Even if so, I’m pretty sure it has everything to do with sports and not upbringing, residual insecurities, deeply-seated attitudes on women, or culture within his police department or anything.

84th? Wow, you’re a super generous person. I would say at least 1,421st- just behind how long his toenails were at the times of the crimes, and just edging out any thoughts he may have on Donald Trump’s hair.

I and my editor at SB Nation hoped to find possible answers as to what could have led to him to become a convicted rapist and sexual predator.

I hoped to present a more fully-rounded portrait of Mr. Holtzclaw than had appeared in the press. I hoped to explore the question of what had happened to this once-promising young man.

honestly it’s become so exhausting to be on this site. everybody is doing something wrong. it feels like it’s undermining bigger issues or any victories. my soul can’t take it any more! pick your battles, people.

He thinks it’s funny for a straight man to wear a dress and a wig, to speak like a drunk baby, and to jump up and down with a limp wrist after seeing a friend.

What does it say when your vapid teen girl sketch isn’t as good as Adam Sandler’s?

agree. it’s definitely relevant to a LOT of people. i’m not sure why she’s being skewered left and right for basically saying, ‘yeah, some people are gonna consider that and if that’s important to them, vote for me!’

My issue with both Killer Mike’s statement and this response (and Bernie Bros in general) is that the implication is that HRC *is* saying, “Vote for Me Because I Have A Uterus!”