
He’s a gigantic baby who has always fancied himself to be far more important and talented than he actually is.

Meh. It’s show business.

the Led Zep thing was pathetic, the actor as was an idiot. I think he acted with the instructions of portraying a flamboyant rock star he never hear of. AND Robert Plant had a better stomach dammit. I found the soundtrack to be super disjointed. It was an onanistic, navel gazing mess.

Actually, it does concern me, and I will kindly direct you to your seat where you can sit down until you can make an actual fucking point. This concerns me because it doesn’t state that a very small fraction of a percentage of white people may have expressed displeasure with the video, it says “white people.” I guess

Maybe it’s living in NYC but I don’t know a single person who got offended or felt threatened by Beyonce’s video.

Moments like this I realise I live in a very sheltered liberal bubble. Maybe it’s living in NYC but I don’t know a single person who got offended or felt threatened by Beyonce’s video. Also, who the hell are these people? The video and song are catchy and yeah the political elements are there but they’re pretty light

Actually, *some* white people went into defense mode. Given that 249 million Americans identify as white I think the general consensus to the video was no one gave a flying fuck. Don’t believe twitter or the media as representing any one single race of people.

>Jesus warned of a wolf in sheep’s clothing

Vanity line or not, how did this become personal debt rather than a business that is on its way to bankruptcy? Personal debt on this scale sounds more like Nicholas Cage with the ghost mansion and the dinosaur skull.

I love that they’re calling her a “body activist” instead of a hot model who’s just not anorexic. Apparently all you need to be a body activist is to have your chest weigh as much as most models. So brave...

Seconded. Like 99% of the shitty behavior justified by Christians is because of something Paul said. Come to think of it, I’m pretty sure Paul invented the term Christian. BTW, have you ever noticed that Jesus warned of a wolf in sheep’s clothing that would show up after he died, and his description sounds exactly

Is that what he’s shooting for? Because it all just looks like Spanx for people of color and the kind of workout clothes you see in Walmart. It all looks cheap and tacky.

Don't forget about how he felt about women and their proper place in the church.

Im sorry St. Paul was a raging asshole who took the teachings of jesus and corrupted them for his own personal gain. FU Paul.

What lie? This pamphlet right here notes that there is a 95.7% chance your penis will fall off if you use ED meds. Pamphlets don't lie!

And make sure they have to drive 3 hours, preferably to another state, in order to see a doctor who will, by state mandate, lie to them.

Not passive aggressive. Aggressive.

This reminds me of all the men who got pissed, and are still pissed, that Obamacare requires insurance companies to cover birth control for women. The same insurance companies that were already voluntarily covering Viagra. But, you know, women should only get birth control covered if they’re married and not sinning

Why can’t men accept impotence as what it so very clearly is? God’s will for them.

I like this woman’s approach; if they want Big Government sticking its nose where it doesn’t belong, what’s good for the goose is good for the gander. If they’re gonna govern by Sharia, let’s be equally absurd and draconian for both sexes.