
I’m white, and changed my vote yesterday from Sanders to Clinton pretty much solely because of the massive amounts of support she’s getting from black and Hispanic Americans. I’m TERRIFIED of Trump, and I think the best way to prevent him getting anywhere near DC is if the Democrats come out as a truly united force,

You have hit this straight on the head, as far as I’m concerned. They’re being rebels. They’re angry that Obama didn’t magically turn the US into a Scandinavian nation, despite the fact that it took every resource he had just to push through and barely hang onto the ACA. They’re proud of themselves. Argh...

Yes exactly! It is so easy to be idealistic when you don’t have much to lose, how very brave of you to take a stand when your life won’t change much either way. Honestly, I feel like some of the Bernie supporters know he can’t accomplish the things he says he wants to do, but they just want to “stick it to the

Phrased any other way, in any other context, Clinton might have been encouraging a young woman to run for office.

You don’t seem like a troll so I’ll reply though I’ll not engage. I’ll give you ONE reason (I have many though) why I support Hillary and I have to clarify that I would support Sanders if he ends up getting the nomination. As a Mexican-American I care about immigration. It has been shown to us that immigration reform

Hey, Denton, how about you don’t tell other people who you’ve never met what their *true* interests are. Since there’s no fucking way you know. And this comment is patronizing at best.

This new tendency among the BernieBros to be like “minorities are ruining progressivism for us” is the logical extension of their “women are ruining progressivism for us” condescending bullshit mansplaining philosophy.

As a white lady, you have my condolences for having to put with this offensive nonsense. It’s racist, patronizing bullshit. Ugh.

This “authenticity” trend frightens me. The absolute last thing in the world that the Democratic party or the nation needs is a Tea Party-esque purity movement for center-left voters and politicians. We’re supposed to be the ones who *aren’t* crazy.

This should be the top comment in this thread. This is actually what happened in the damn clip!

This is how I feel about the young, white, male Bernie Bros too. If Trump becomes president, *they* are still fine. They aren’t threatened by TRAP laws, etc. I am desperately afraid of losing my access to women’s health care.

He did vote for the crime bill. The crime bill is also incredibly complex and included aspects like the Violence Against Women Act. I’d really recommend that folks your age do a bit of homework on crime in the early 90s and the crime bill of 1994.

Wow. A white person telling a black person that they know what’s in black peoples best interests better than black people do. That never goes wrong.

Annnnnd right here we have a great example of why Bernie Sanders isn’t doing well with minorities, and why his supporters are reviled.

NO! You don’t understand - a mustachioed 33 year old white barrista with an B.A. from a mid-tier Liberal Arts school whose parents pay his Park Slope rent while he “reviews” movies in his Facebook status is EXACTLY who should be telling African Americans, Latinos, women etc what they should be doing and what is best

You patronize like this and then wonder why your candidate gets voted against.

Can I shorten that statement?

I’m not assuming that. I’m assuming it’s mostly white people who question minorities about the decision we have made to support one candidate or another. I assume that because Latinos don’t usually go around baffled by the fact that other Latinos love Hillary. Latinos even the ones that love Sanders usually understand

White HRC fan here! Gawker seems to attract the most insufferable Bernie supporters/Hillary haters. I can’t imagine the nerve of someone virtually patting you on the head like you’re an idiot. I would have a rage stroke...

It’s kind of a bad sign if he only does “okay” with activist because that should be his bread and butter.