
From the Right or from the Republicans. As others are telling you, there are lots of East Coast and West Coast Republicans who have no viable candidate in the GOP primaries right now. I think they would take Bloomberg over what they’re being offered. And I would take Bloomberg over all candidates.

I think one reason women are conditioned to be “adaptable” to a potential mate, is that we are only a few generations away from women being at the mercy of their husbands or fathers. In many ways, women were not legally people- married women were not allowed to own property or enter into contracts, etc. until about

I don’t know about a horse race, but politics is a zero-sum game. In order for Bloomberg to get votes, he has to take them from someone else.

Yes. The guy is a wall-street billionaire. Will he take votes away from the guns and anti-abortion nuts? No. But there’s a lot of middle ground. There are Republicans/right-leaning independents in states like New York and California who probably won’t have a candidate they really like between the Democrats and

I appreciate the instinct to be cynical about this but the idea of a moderate-right 3rd party run seems as much of a natural thing right now as Nader as a left wing run did in 2000.

This is a warning to the Democratic superdelegates not to back Sanders.

Depressing thought of the day is that I think that’s how a lot of hetero relationships are. At least a lot of the ones I’ve been in, both serious and casual.

Excellent article, though I would make one caveat. IMO, the reason so many readers love Darcy is that he isn’t chiefly attracted to Elizabeth for her looks, but becomes attracted to her and trusts her based on who she is as a person- so it still supports the article’s contention.

I think you even see this issue of adaptability in the mundane area of common interests. I know many women who have feigned interest in sports, hiking, camping, etc. in order to deepen a relationship with a guy. I know of few to no men who have done so for a woman. I’m not talking about saying you will do a joint


I thought Dubya was the worst president of my lifetime, and right now, staring down the barrel of President Trump or President Cruz, I'm actually starting to miss him a little....

If you were forced to choose between him and Trump for president, you’d have to go with Trump, right? Good god, it would have to be Trumo.

He does have a shit-eating grin

Every single “nice” thing someone said about him, as quoted in this article, is pretty much textbook damning with faint praise. It’s pretty beautiful to witness.

Panton told Jezebel in an emailed statement. “Ted and I had many mutual friends who would usually stop by to watch movies, play video games, or even engage in long, fun discussions about politics, philosophy, and life.”


Purposefully buying clothes just a little too big for you is actually a strategy for high school debate weasels like him. I debated against half a dozen dudes with the same hair and the same suit that looked like it belonged to their much larger dad. I don’t know what they thought they were saying to the judges with

Actually I think it’s a part of politics. They don’t wear fancy and expensive looking suits so they appear more relatable to the common people. I mean you can’t really say “I know what you’re going through, I’m one of you” when you’ve got a $3000 suit and $400 pair of shoes on.

George McGovern and Jimmy Carter, two people whose candidacies and presidencies are always remembered in a positive light as a shining success.

These are your best examples of an outsider being successful?