
Yeah, the horribly backward policies in Latin America on reproductive rights need to be front and center in the reporting about this. The Zika epidemic seems do be doing something to re-open the discussion about abortion, at least in Brazil.

I would really like it if every single article about Zika pointed out that the countries that are hardest hit and are recommending that women delay conception are countries where abortion is 100% illegal and contraception is very hard to access.

Abortion is health care.

I am surprised so many people dislike it as well. I would be interested to see the sexual orientation of the respondents and writers. Most of the replies seem to be from heterosexual women (some have included anecdotes).

I’ve been fucking since the late 90s. It’s not my favorite position, but imma have to respectfully disagree with you here...

Because if they didn’t lie they’d be forced to give women neutral, unbiased, factual information regarding abortions, and they might still decide to get one.

I don’t even understand how it is legal to provide and lawfully require knowingly untrue medical information. I further don’t understand how there are not lawsuits because of this (or maybe there are, but you’d think we’d hear more about those...??).

Can you really boycott a place no one wants to go to?

completely untrue suggestion that abortion can cause breast cancer.

So Oklahoma is a PRO-THEOCRACY state, with 0% belief in science or personal freedoms?

F*CK THAT. Sounds like a place to boycott.

Yeah, blacking out the ENTIRE EMAIL is certainly going to make this better for them. It has to be so bad for them to have done this. Unimaginably bad. I can’t wait to see what they did.

That’s the kicker. I don’t know what amount of money you would have to save to justify poisoning thousands of children with a substance we know leads to increased aggression and impulsivity (while decreasing cognitive function), but 25% after 25 years surely is not it.

The GOP’s pennywise dollar-foolish, ignore all environmental standards for poor neighborhood shell game tricks can ALWAYS get worse.


And, the sense of self importance and specialness of Montgomery County residents is almost unmatchable anywhere else in the world.

Weiner, meanwhile, is comfortable enough these days to make veiled jokes about his scandal(s)

I just feel terrible for Huma. As someone who has had her share of bad boyfriends, her position - the higher-profile partner of a raging narcissist - just seems to authentically suck.

To a subset of mothers, “motherly” means “entirely up in and controlling of my daughter’s vagina.”

“So, are you girls virgins? I can tell Julie is not because look at her exposed ankles. That’s the mark of a hussy. Put some clothes on Julie.”

“In hindsight, a few of the thoughts I shared, while well-intended, may have come across as more motherly than what they would expect from their state representative,” she wrote. “If anything I said offended them or made them feel uncomfortable, I apologize.”