
I had professional interaction with that scumbag while he was at Morgan Lewis. We hired him as appellate counsel due to his political ties on a big-money case that had gone off the rails. I wrote the fucking brief myself and he billed our client $250k for something like a week’s work, next to none of which was done by

He was a partner in the Houston office of my law firm prior to running for Congress. Despite being largely conservative and Republican, everyone in the office (and the firm, generally) loathed him, so much so that to this day, no one wants to use his former office. It’s considered tainted.

I think his tweets make him a national hero.

I could see your point but so many people have validated Craig’s opinions with their own independent interactions with Ted Cruz. Note: fellow GOP Senators. He seems to be universally detested. Even his own Mom seems less than comfy with him. His Dad, a total loony bird, to be sure, is on his side.

I don’t know if I can handle 30 years or 7 books of Ted Cruz, so #Teamcraig.

If Ted Cruz were a car salesman, yes. As Ted Cruz is a political figure who has been openly vying for the presidency since he became a national figure by being an outspoken asshole, no. He’s fighting the good fight and reminding people of his perspective as someone who knew him intimately.

Some people suck so much, they just stick with you. My first roommate was such an awful person that to this day I make a face just thinking about her.

I don’t think you're understanding the trauma a bad freshman roommate can inflict.

I’m not sure I really get what you’re saying here. Should people in the 1950’s not have commented on what a gigantic asshole McCarthy was because, you know, he’ll burn himself out eventually?

I don’t know, he’s had to see Cruz’s name all over the news this whole time. I have a particularly vile former roommate that after a few years of hate I’ve graduated to a semi-zen “I wish her well, and far away” POV, but if she had a political following constantly Tweeting about how she was the smartest person in the

I’m with grapeslick. Its a very subtle difference but you can pick up on the difference between someone who is just completely bitterly hating on someone and someone who is doing it for fun. I think Mazin is the latter for sure.

I vote no, because he keeps his sense of humor throughout.

Me too! From the review it seems like Lee has the same problem as a lot of directors: he hit really big with genuine art very early in his career, and ever since has clung to his original voice while trying to evolve at the same time. Most of his movies have multiple points of view, but as he ages and tries to graft

Woman Taking The Heat For A Man’s Actions, Episode 36363472

Exactly. A husband’s wrongdoings are always the wife’s responsibility, don’t you know. How else?

But once again a woman is having to answer for the actions of a man.

I suppose. I still think it smacks a little bit of not recognizing that Hillary isn’t her Husband and isn’t on the hook for the shitty things he may have done.

Yeeeeep. When I sit down at the end of the day to binge watch Frasier or whatever I’m obsessed with at the time it’s because I’ve had enough of the real world, and all I want is a quip or two from Niles Crane.

Yeah. I read “decreases brain stuff” and I thought, THAT’S THE WHOLE DAMNED POINT.

But what if you kind of need to turn your brain off for a little bit?