
Likability is a big reason W won in 04 and was so close to Gore in 2000 to where we had the shenanigans. Charisma is sadly a factor and Americans decided they wanted the guy they’d rather have a beer with. Frankly I wish his presidency had been a lesson about that but the GOP are all determined not to seem smart or

I am not sure that “likability” is all that important in a president. Decisiveness, intelligence, compassion, inclusiveness and trust are. But likability? Not so much. I don’t need to like my president. I need to respect the president and trust her to do the right thing at the right time for the right reasons. Do I

Name one GOP candidate that is likable? You can’t. Yet nobody seems to worry about that.

Also the mouth-breathers who don’t understand the difference between liking someone and having them be competent to steer the richest country in the world for a minimum of 4 years.

Yes! WTF is it with dentists trying to chat? My mouth is full of your hands/dental tools. I am physically incapable of answering you, so why the fuck are you asking me questions?

Yes! YES!!

This!This!This! I’m mostly fine with the awkward conversation. But give me a fucking break, how can I answer those questions with hands, tools, cotton etc. in my mouth?

Can we also get a silent dentist’s chair? I don’t want to talk about the one fact you always remember about me from our bi yearly visits. I don’t want to try to answer your question with your hands in my mouth and drool dripping down my chin. I truly don’t care about your children or my flossing habits or the last

Yeah the big assumption is that women can just enforce a sex strike on a whim. Like, we just decided not to have sex or get raped starting Tuesday. If women couldn't enforce sex with consent before, how can they enforce a strike? Bullshit Spike. Learn your movements.

Bah. There was this police drawing on a local news site - some suspect in a sexual assault. First comment: Pretty good-looking. Why would he need to rape anyone?

The presumption here seems to be that women should withhold sex from men in order to stop being harassed and assaulted. So, once again, it’s up to women to not get raped? #fuckthatnoise

This kind of thinking perpetuates the myth that rape is an act formed from sexual desire, when it actually stems from power and control.

I agree and I’m calling bullshit here. I think it’s possible?? but my guess is she would have had to have it super tight and chafing to cause damage. Or I could see a rubbing hair tie making an existing wound worse.

It really does, doesn't it? How dirty could her hair be to give her three different infections? Does she swim in open sewage?

Appears to be a staph infection. We all carry staph on our skin. It was the constant rubbing from the hair ties combined with trapped bacteria. I’ve had this twice (MRSA, even, because I’m lucky like that). They hurt like an MF-er. I was certain I had cancer and was about to die. But ultimately it just needs drained

This seems...super unlikely to me. Like, was it so tight it was injuring the skin on its own? Did she already have an open cut or something there? What the FUCK was she doing with that hair tie that would get enough virulent bacteria on it to cause that kind of serious infection? IDK, this sounds like urban legend

I’m sure this is in the comments somewhere, but Planned Parenthood is on option on Amazon Smile. A portion of the proceeds of all your Amazon purchases goes to the organization of your choice. It's not much, but every little bit helps!

Its a shame that the plan for Jezebel is celebrity gossip. This type of important sociopolitical stuff needs to be discussed on popular websites.

All donations made by December 31st will be doubled so it’s a good time to give. (Please don’t cross post this article to gawker; still getting slammed with gross comments from the last PP post :/ )
