
Yeah same, I don’t really get people’s reluctance to just block the fuck out of someone. Guess how I stopped myself from seeing my ex on my feed and vice versa, I just unfriended her, so simple. We were no longer friends, there was no reason for us to continue being friends on facebook.

Pretty sure just blocking them achieves the same thing. I use the block feature very generously on Facebook.

when are they gonna roll out the feature that keeps facebook from suggesting my ex-fiance’s new (like, NEW new) wife as “someone i might know”?

The IRA was a Marxist paramilitary/terrorist organization though, not a Catholic terrorist organization.

The fact that it didn’t spur anti-Catholic movement in Catholic dominate countries is weird to you? However, in England? Phew. Yeah, I’d read up on your history on that. Also, why would countries like France and Spain even care about the bombings? This was a fight between Ireland and the UK (mainly England.) The rest

I mean they were European, but they were also Muslims. That one is true doesn’t make the other untrue or irrelevant.

Maybe they were pulled from Mitt Romney’s binders of women? (Political throwback, what what)

Anti-abortion is anti-women, and yes you can be an anti-woman woman.

They do, they want women to suffer, by any means necessary.

This really goes to show that you’re either pro-choice, or you’re pro-illegal/unsafe abortion. I read that somewhere (possibly from another Jezebel commenter) and it has stuck with me ever since.

I completely lose my stuffing every time I read about the Paris attack.

That was terrible and beautiful and I wept.

I’ve been either crying or on the verge of tears for two days now. I’m glad this woman survived to bear witness. I mourn, with all civilized society, for those who did not survive. May her words bring some measure of comfort to their loved ones, in comfortless times.

I was reading the comments on Instagram of some girl who was on the Bachelor (the one who got married on Bachelor in Paradise to the guy she met on the previous season of that show). And she has big boobs. So many girls were like “It’s disgusting that you choose to post this picture. You are MARRIED. Shame on you.”

Or how one ever uses hubby ever again. hmmmmm

“Hubby” is literally my least favorite word of ALL TIME. I hatehatehate it. The worst part is that my best friend uses it in her Facebook posts sometimes.

You're half right. Include personal emails and, while we're at it, all other modes of communication and you're all the way there.

That word is an instant eye-twitch for me. YOU ARE A FUCKING GROWN UP! GET IT TOGETHER!

I know. Deklan is a terrible name.

Is it just me, or do you stop taking someone seriously the minute they use the word ‘hubby’ in a professional email?