
Whether I agree with her opinions or not, I think asking older women—especially one of Greer’s background— to sit down and let the young’uns take over is a bit much, too.
Let her talk and defend her views, or let her talk and change her views. If we just tell her to sit down and shut up, old lady with outdated views,

Yeah her reasoning isn’t sound at all but I understand not wanting to cater to student petitions given that colleges have begun being so pc as to drown out the right to free speech. Canceling her would be giving into the urge to keep anyone from being offended at all costs. On the other hand if she is transphobic in

If you have the self-awareness to be afraid of that scenario, you probably aren't likely to be driving while hammered at 10am.


This is the third time in the last few months I’ve seen a commenter refer to someone in their early-mid thirties as “middle aged.” I’m just going to assume they’re time travelers from the 1950s when the life expectancy was closer to 65.

Or how about....all rapists or attempted rapists (that we're reasonably certain of) have their faces revealed to the public, demographics be damned. That's a pretty good policy in my book.

He’s clearly the real victim here.

She's 33. I'm a little terrified now that you called that middle aged.

Brain disorders don’t make you commit premeditated crimes, ffs. It’s not like she bumped into him and he impulsively punched her. He knocked on her door, so that he could rape her.

Except he rang her bell, three times, forced his way into her home, carried her to her bedroom and attacked her. That is someone with full knowledge of his actions. He may have brain and learning issues, but his actions clearly demonstrate he knew what he was doing. And yes I completely agree, she rocks and I love her.

That neighbor is a dipshit. He brought a knife to the party which shows premeditation. Plus knocking two times before attacking to make sure the scene was clear before. That’s not being mentally slow. That shows forethought in what he did.

An unidentified neighbor jumped to his defense, saying he isn't responsible for his actions. May as well have said boys will be boys. Give me a fucking break. He knew exactly what he was doing.

How do these work? Is there a bottom layer that isn’t permeable to liquids? You’d think that would be a breathability issue. With most fabric, a liquid will just keep on seeping through the layers, and once it reaches the bottom layer it’ll rub all over your pants. I can’t help but be skeptical about these claims.

you’ve never used them by themselves? i just cannot fathom underwear holding a 2 tampons worth of period and not leaking!

I'm dating again in my early 30s and this has been my experience too. But I also feel like I'm choosing different men this time around.

Best advice: If you like the guy enough, just get it over with.

I had that *exact* same thought reading this! Like, if I’m not enjoying it, I’m going to tell you what you can do differently, but guys are soooooo into making women cum that sometimes I have to gently tell them that its just not going to happen right then, but I still enjoy having sex with them. But I also live in a

That’s largely been my experience since I hit mid twenties and beyond. I don’t get off every single time, but most of the time - and no complaints here. I always have a great time or I wouldn’t be doing it. :)

And that has to do with single people how? Your generalizations mostly apply to families, not single people. Which was the original snark. I’m not denying there are some weird people living alone that like long commutes in giant vehicles and leave all their lights on, but I don’t know any single people that is a

Amen. My desire for a yard and no shared walls are no less important than a family’s desire for a good school district. Also, small houses in good condition/good neighborhoods can be hard to find.