
It’s the orange spot. Yes, the giant one. Nobody will expect that!

I hope the exhaust ports aren’t so accessible on this one...

Self-deprecating has always been part of comedy, both male and female. And I don’t find her too focused on that. It’s just part of the gig.

Express your opinion by not buying her concerts or watching her show.

As others have pointed out, male comedians are often self-deprecating, too, but they ARE kind of looked at differently for it (and please don’t take this as a criticism of your comment). Like, self-deprecation in male comedians is practically expected; it’s almost treated like the deep, poetic self-loathing of an

You need to relax, Amy, Sarah Silverman, Ari Schaffir, Tosh and a bunch of other comedians that dabble in race related jokes are not automatically racist. If anything, they point out stereotypes and more so show how absurd they are. You really need to listen to the delivery and see that the jokes are not mean spirited

I think she’s addressed this a bit and toned back a lot of that shit, though obviously not enough.

Yeah- even comedians who don’t talk about themselves all that much can be pretty self-deprecating (Seinfeld, Demetri Martin)- you’re your own best joke subject, because you’re always around, and it’s always safe to make fun of yourself.

I think that people are just tired of the fact the every. single. article. on Amy Schumer gets comments like yours over really, the same 3 jokes that she made once. To even talk about her in the breath as Donald Trump is really undermining what you’re trying to say. Amy Schumer made a couple jokes and really has no

Oh, I totally get your point.

Now playing

So I think a lot of comedy is based in self-deprecation. I remember listening to a Fresh Air interview with Aziz Ansari where he talks about how people like to live vicariously through rappers, but you can’t do that with comedians. You can’t really talk about how great everything is with you, it’s not that funny. It

I think the real difference is that Amy’s job is to make jokes, whereas the job Trump is actively pursuing is the absolute highest position of power in the United States, with which he would discriminate against people of colour to an extreme degree. Also, he isn’t joking.

Male comics are also super self-deprecating much of the time too, though. I mean, Louis C.K. springs immediately to mind and literally any other male comic that I think of fits the bill too, so I’m not even gonna try to list them.

How much of that is women, and how much of that is Jewish humor affecting stand-up comedy?

Latina here. I enjoy her jokes. So far that puts us at 1:1 fans vs detractors.

If that’s all she did, you would be right.

Must be tiring.

Seriously, I’m pretty sure now in my 30’s I’m living the best days of my life.

They’re just jokes.

Simply being in your 20’s is stupid. Voice of experience here. I was so dumb.