
Heard that. I’m a true crime freakaleek, and any show I’ve seen on this case tries to make Andrea Yates the unfortunate, but villainous character while praising her husband and his strength getting through such a hard time. It was clear to me she was a truly troubled woman who listened to her God and husband tell her

Going to assume the former.

Well, by that rationale no woman should ever tell a man no or do what she wants to ever because hey, murder!

Ha! I have had my fair share of casual sex and you can pretty much always tell which dudes watch too much porn by the way they fuck. It’s kind of hilariously depressing. Like dude... that shit just looks good on camera, it doesn’t really work in real life.

I wrote two sentences not an entire biography. You don’t know me or what I’ve been though.

It was her choice, but a choice she was clearly resenting and not comfortable with. And he just sort of ignores that because he is getting what he wants at her expense. It would only be a matter of time before she would toss off the “I dropped out of school for you!” every time they had a fight.

I’m glad you mentioned that. Diaz’s character was so sad, and once again the ending boils down to “remember girls if you want a man forget all your dreams and be prepared to totally throw away your life”.

Yeah... I mean I’m 31 now and I feel like Julia Roberts looks older than I do in that photo.

“If Kobe was his friend...Kobe, like, owns the team. He could’ve got the man back on the team...that’s all he wanted.”

Oh, Michael and Kimmie are for sure divorced now. That marriage lasted 2 years MAX.

Michael was a sexist douche period. Baffled me that two women were fighting over his ass.

Yeah, but it was undermined by her earlier conversation with the Julia Roberts character where she was talking about how she did want to finish school and have a career and to live near her family. I was like GIRL, don’t tell HER that, tell your freaking fiance! Own it! And she never did. Sigh.

27 was soooo old!

True. It’ll be interesting to see what/if they update that. Not that a younger woman contemplating throwing away her previous dreams to follow a guy doesn’t still happen.

I am conflicted about the movie. It is entertaining, and while I like it for the reasons you say above, I also hate the ending. While I appreciate that the evil plotting did not succeed against Hollywood tropes, Michael and Kimmie had the WORST relationship. No communication, different life places, one person

I like this movie too. At the time it felt pretty refreshing for there to be a rom com with a protagonist who (1) was a bit unlikable and did some very morally questionable shit and actually got called on it; (2) wasn’t rewarded for their bad behaviour by magically winning the love interest at the end; (3) this

I have the exact same thoughts growing up vs. now. Also I thought Kimmy (Cameron Diaz’s character) was such an adult too, when in reality she’s TWENTY, aka not even old enough to legally drink champagne at her wedding.

When this movie came out I was like, WOW 27- SUCH ADULT!

From the picture I thought it was them. Do theses clogging couples just look the same?

So... off topic, but I’d like to point out: The whole “white” thing didn’t stem from purity. It was a fashion thing — a way for wealthier folks to show off that they could afford to buy a dress in such an impractical color and wear it only once. That’s why, when you look at old photos, most brides are just wearing a