Worst of all? This was the text:
Worst of all? This was the text:
1. wha-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-tttttttttttttttt
I get it, Matthew Mills. I too cannot believe that it ever happened. I can’t believe that someone killed twenty first graders and 6 school employees. I get that it’s impossible to accept that all that happened and still not a single thing has changed in our gun laws. I further can’t believe that the gun lobby and…
I’ve never understood the “is he/she close to their family?” deal breaker. What if his/her parents were abusive, or their family are a bunch of assholes?
Yeah. *sigh*
It is true. I didn’t make it up— I’ve read a couple of biographies of Marie Antoinette, and they both talked about it. Her brother the emperor of Austria actually came to Versailles to tell Louis to man up and do his duty, which finally got Louis to start having actual sex with his wife. That was in 1777. They married…
That picture is terrifying! Are they on a skateboard?
You have established why it’s a rule, and have established that, because it is a rule, it generally should not be broken.
No rape jokes.
He’s some asshole’s sock puppet.
Scene- My bedroom, 2 AM, after a bottle and a half of wine.
Players (In a theatre sense, not like, a gross way to say ‘lovers’ or whatever)- My husband and also my me.
We were young, early 20’s, shitty on wine, having laugh sex, where we sort of clumsily bounced around the bedroom, laughing and not totally putting all…
Less than a mile from the Rowan County, Kentucky, clerk’s office, where Kim Davis had made her last stand against…
By your logic, anyone who is straight is inherently homophobic. I imagine you don’t believe that but that is what your statement actually means.
Maybe it’s because I am 5’0” 195lbs... but I have been 5’0” and 135lbs (Not to mention DD boobs) and in no way can I possibly consider that anywhere in the realm of “fat.” To me that is super in shape. I don’t have a problem with fat, but I just don’t think any reasonable person would consider a 5’1” 135lb woman or a…
Oh, I’m sure this is far from over. That self righteousness flowing through her veins right now is probably burning like battery acid, ready to fuel another inevitable outburst.
I will not judge someone for how they heal what others broke. She's not hurting anyone. I wish her well.
Yeah, how dare people try to come to terms with past trauma through art? So annoying.
by and for
Fine then. Watch my 49 minute youtube video called “Why feminists are ruining gaming” where I talk about that one girl who didn’t date me that one time. Also, I don’t play video games.