

Non-disabled people are fucking ridiculous. They expect disabled people to be helpless shut-ins who are incapable of independence or variation amongst each other.

Seems like he’s just love starved.

Judge this. It’s wrong. The mother is the one at fault.

It makes me really uncomfortable that nobody seems to be saying much about the fact that he’s so much younger and how that makes him extra vulnerable. Nineteen is technically an adult, but you’re still young an easy to take advantage of. Not you, but the conversation in general. I feel like people get blinded by the

It’s a freaking fry. Nothing painful or dangerous. If he acted that way, he deserved that.


It’s pretty fucking ableist.

“Summer camp special kid?!”

I want this to be true.

I find the whole mentality confusing because even though she was repressing everything, she was in a gay marriage herself, as a woman married to another.

All these products look like they were created by Miley Cyrus.

Mark, you can pry wraps out of my cold, dead hands.


You are a horrible person.


Fucking really?

Oh fuck off, dipshit.

Oh man. Bless you.

I don’t know. She’s pretty established, it seems. I’m sure many people she feeds know and trust her. I feel like that cop was just being a dick and not looking out for anyone.