
Imagine having children instead of grades to worry about.

Ok you all: I have a problem. I really have not been able to do anything else except surf the news since the election. Some people I know have decided to shut it out (one told me yesterday that the “news isnt gonna get better for four years” so I might as well tune out and save myself the heartache) but I can’t do it.

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Kentucky), whose brain appears to have fused with his cotton mock turtleneck, says an investigation into Mike Flynn’s resignation would be “excessive,” and that it “makes no sense” to have “Republicans investigate Republicans.”

Under FERPA, I do more to hide my students’ grades and id numbers than this jackass does to hide classified information that might keep us all from dying. JFC.

I mean, she’s the best, right? I’m a 40 year-old straight, white dude. I’ve lived through every other dominant male or female recording superstar for the last 35 years. She just destroys everything in her path. I am in awe of what she is able to do to impact music.

Yeah probably a bad thing to crap on a family after something like this. Can’t say I’m really sympathetic though. He was a high ranking member of the KKK. Any family member allowing him to bolster the most racist organization in US history deserves zero fucks.

I know right! Fuck that guy’s family and their grief!

Good riddance.

You missed the woman’s AWESOME follow up. Bravo!

At another point Madeleine Davies, not to be outdone, exclaimed “Show us some D!”

Yes to Harris, no to Cory Booker. He talks the talk but his voting record is sketchy.

Harris seems great; Booker should be kept as far away as possible.

I personally am praying for Harris-Duckworth.

I’m not sure if you’re really a reformed trump voter, but my mom is. I called her the other night and the first thing she said was “he’s the biggest joke ever, what is he thinking? This is a disaster”. I didn’t bother asking what she possibly thought he was going to do.

On second thought maybe Hillary Clinton would have made a better president. I have spoken.

She’s my senator and I’d like to see her run for President in four or eight years. Whip smart, rational and practical, compassionate- I truly believe she could peel off five percent of the Trump vote while unifying both moderate and liberal Democrats.

And yet again, it’s overwhelmingly POC that are taking a stand. I shouldn’t be surprised, but I’m tired of white silence.

Same. I save for the most deserving and then I savor it. Also: men can be cunts too! See McConnell, Mitch. As just one example.

I avoid that word, too - it’s my special occasion term of deep anger at someone. Oddly enough, I find I’ve been using it more often lately...hmm.

I usually stay away from this term but I have reached my goddamn limit.