I guess that makes Ivanka a special little snowflake who needs a safe space. And screw Nordstrom for not selling clothes made by a “great person”! -_-
I guess that makes Ivanka a special little snowflake who needs a safe space. And screw Nordstrom for not selling clothes made by a “great person”! -_-
Coming here to say the same thing.
Coming here to say the same thing.
Yup, thank you! Screw L.L. Bean.
Yup, thank you! Screw L.L. Bean.
I’d like to remind everyone that L.L. Bean is one of the companies to be boycotted from the #GrabYourWallet campaign for Linda Bean’s overwhelming support of Trump through various and possibly illegal PAC contributions.
I’d like to remind everyone that L.L. Bean is one of the companies to be boycotted from the #GrabYourWallet campaign…
The article felt kind of Shakespearean- dude wants nothing more than love and respect, so much so he runs for President thinking that it’ll be the sure-fire way he’ll get love and respect. But upon becoming President, he finds himself neither loved or respected and is instead mainly alone, by himself, watching Cable…
Wait. Why the fuck should a reporter have to ask her WHAT SHE MEANT? Is she not in charge of her own fucking words? Does she not have control over how she forms sentences? I am so goddamn tired of these people I have no fucking clue how I’m gonna make it 4 years without losing my goddamn mind over the hypocrisy.
Yup. Everyday I just get angrier. Honestly I would not give a flying fuck if congress was stormed by angry constituents. And now I’m on a watch list (lol who I am kidding, I’ve been on some watchlist for at least a year now!)
In the meantime, let’s make their lives a living hell.
News Flash:
This is an unfortunately accurate way of putting it
DNAinfo comments are like reading what people who scrawl dicks on bathroom walls are thinking 24/7
But that’s what he SAYS and his followers eat that shit up because for some reason it makes perfect sense to them and JESUS FUCKING CHRIST HOW HAVE ALL OF THESE IDIOTS MANAGED TO KEEP THEMSELVES ALIVE INTO ADULTHOOD IT IS INSANE THAT THEY REMEMBER TO BREATHE
You can’t simultaneously try to ban an entire religious group from the nation while giving speeches claiming that “I will defend your religious liberties and the right to fully and freely practice your religion,” within the same week.
What do we do though? I’ve been protesting, signing petitions, donating, calling my representatives, trying to get more involved in local politics, etc., but the frustrating thing is that it seems like no one can stop him. It also feels like we have no true leadership. Honestly I wish Obama would come back into the…
I just read the transcript, and even by Trumpian standards, that was.....pretty goddamn terrible. I can only imagine how much worse it was live. Seriously, can someone, anyone, not get this man a fucking speechwriter?
well if we are all dead that does explain why Frederick Douglass is still around
Short answer: No.
Yeah this should have been one of the one word posts that used to piss people off. Just “No.” with a hyperlink to the clip.
Best words, baby. Best words.
We’re obviously all dead and in hell, there’s no other explanation for any of this. Kinda like in The Sixth Sense, we’re dead but don’t know we’re dead.