
I’ve told this story before, I think? After college I moved back home to Alaska and was waiting tables at a Cattle Co. (or Black Angus, depending on your locale). I had a table of 6-8 ladies out celebrating something one evening and had been joking with them during their meal. At some point near the end, I did the

I’ve noticed even larger versions of these at construction sites lately and wondered how I could make use of them in my life. The ones I’ve seen are usually filled with gravel or other ground cover material. So Martha’s version is practically petite and super practical!

Of course we don’t want new people in our neighborhoods, the infrastructure can’t handle it. Commute times along 101 are ridiculous. Especially mid-Peninsula, where the cities are older, with narrower streets and already limited parking. Also, the Peninsula only has Caltrain between SF and San Jose, so public

I would respectfully disagree (sorta) on the trails tip. While those are top notch locations, I feel like the thirty to sixty minute drive is a For Weekends Only type of outing.

I laughed way too hard at this. Thank you. Any levity gained from this shit-show is gladly taken.

This list seems too short.

Thanks for this. Some of the things people say when you’re going through hell are truly stupid. One of my “favorites” is from people who I see very rarely. They lean in and tilt their head, put their hand on my arm and ask, “How aaaaaaaaaaaarrrrreee you?” So condescending. I’m like, I’ve been cancer free for three

Wait, am the only person here who assumed it was acid, as in the drug? I was like, how did they even figure out he covered his hot tub in drugs like that? Black lights and swabs sent to a drug lab?

I watched some clips from this last night. It was brutal! The “What kind of insurance do you have?” lady was on fire! Watching middle America get woke to Republican bullshit is amazing! (Did I use it right? I’m an old)

Ha! Yes, definitely a special occasion word! My husband noticed the other night and said I’d used it more than twice in the last week. We’re having troubles with our principal at our (catholic) school, and between that and Conway’s bullshit I. Am. Over. It.

The gross part is that he’s probably turned on by it. Fuck, I just threw up in my mouth.

Have you tried edibles? I’ve been eating a bit of enhanced chocolate before bed on Fridays and Saturdays just so I can get sleep twice a week and stop my mind racing. Side benefit? Wink, wink. Nudge, nudge.

Goddamn it, now you’ve ruined the books for me with that motherfucking piece of art.

Is this supposed to be some sort of weird inaugural fanfic? Please, throw in a couple more unnecessary adjectives.

Thank you!!!! I’ve made sure when talking about the horrors to come that I mention I’m a middle class white lady of priveledge and that I’m likely to make it through the next four years just fine. It’s everyone else that does not benefit from the privilege I happened to be born with that keeps me up at night worried.

Oh my gawd. It just screams, “BOOBS! MY LEGS ARE TOO SHORT FOR MY BODY! BOOBS!”

805, baby!!

You. You light up my life.

Honestly, the look on Octavia’s face is exactly how I react when I watch the Hidden Figures’ trailer. I am so irrationally excited about this movie!

Oh my god! that is brilliant! Someone get on that, STAT!