
I know we are supposed to be laughing at Republicans being divided and fucking everything up. But they have been operating this way since the Tea Party came in and created a split in 2010. They are blatantly disinterested in governing.  Full stop. And yet they hold the House.

Aubrey is boring and annoying AF.

It sure would have been nice if voters knew this information before the November 8 election. I’m not sure if Democrats were so certain they’d win the race that they didn’t do opposition research or what

Seeing “Dirt bag” over both Robach’s and Holmes’ names seems oddly apropos. It's a fun game trying to figure out which one the header is referring to. It can be both!

I just put the sliver on top of the new bar of soap while they’re both wet. They tend to just kinda merge into each other. Why throw them away?

He is a truly terrible human being. That’s it. No more thought pieces, no more “yeah but he was close with his mom when she died”, or “you don’t understand mental illness”. He is an entitled, self absorbed piece of shit.

Maybe it is pandemic related, but I'm really buying in to these cheesy lifetime/Hallmark movies that I've always scoffed at in the past. They aren't good movies but you bet your ass I watched the whole thing (maybe some in the background, but still).

“Not getting a pet emu” seems like a lifestyle choice that people should be able to make without expert help.

Isn’t it a crime to post a photo of a filled-out ballot? I’m pretty sure Justin Timberlake got in trouble for this in 2016 (or 2018?)...

Seriously. Not only was he a great drummer, but he broke a lot of barriers. And he wasn’t some rich rock star. FFS.

“Drummer for the Dead Kennedys is now also dead”

The complaint about the show’s graphic depiction of labor is strange. House of the Dragon, like Game of Thrones, is a show where a lot of violent things happen. Unlike Game of Thrones, House of the Dragon is to a significant extent a show about women. The central conflict on the show is between two women, with a third

As a Jalop tourist I am disappointed there are no pics of the Bug.

Tell me when Cordon walks into the restaurant and apologizes to the servers in the same public way he humiliated them in the first place.

It’s extremely frustrating that serial predators are built up as some sort of unknowable deviant masterminds we can’t possibly crack when the reality is just: police really, really, really, really, really, really, really suck at their jobs. 

For all of the talk about equity and equality the news likes to preach, they represent a very narrow subset of humanity. They have a viewpoint of “how you need to look” in order to be someone and if you stray from it, out come to smarmy comments and uglier coverage. It’s high school level “Mean Girls” BS.

Why would someone post every detail of their life on social media? That’s...well, that’s modern youth, I guess.  Obsessed with having every aspect of their lives validated by anonymous strangers.

spoken like a person who’s never had to work a food service job. 

Pretty sure the ship sailed well before that, in the mid-90s, when they all voted for a GOP-controlled Senate led by Newt Gingrich, who married his high school geometry teacher at age 18, divorced her for a younger model when she became too cancer-raddled, then cheated on wifey 2 at age 58 with future wifey 3 (23

If you take a step back and ask “What, exactly, do we need the police for and want them to do,” this sort of situation would seem to be exactly it. Armed and dangerous guy with a hostage. And yet, the police’s actions (which don’t seem to me, to display a whole lot of dexterity and skill in crisis management, at least