Nope. That’s the short answer.
Nope. That’s the short answer.
Looking forward to reading tomorrow how it’s all Jason Sudekis’ fault!
... like Bure’s pension for selling golden “One Step Closer” Bibles on QVC...
Can we just retire the use of “mama bear” I mean seriously blergh.
I’m just going by the quote in the article b/c I did not watch the video, but LOL at Bure advising her followers to be mindful in their interactions with others - not because it’s the right thing to do but because “even a 10 second trending TikTok video can do damage”. Just as Jesus always said.
the definition of evangelical christian
Bure is a nasty bitch masquerading as a nicey-nice Christian.
I won’t be watching this one, not right away at least. I generally don’t find prequels too compelling and, uh, yeah with how the last seasons went ... I’ll be fine waiting.
“Cucked”? Even if you’re joking (and I don’t know if you really are), it’s fucking depressing when words from incel/4chan/white nationalist culture filter down to the mainstream.
Famous 26-year-old Female Singer DMs Underaged Male Child Actor To Facilitate Sexual Encounter With Another
Maybe, but we love to see accountability for rising movie stars who typically go on to be entitled fuckboys, and this is probably a good way for Schnapp to learn not to violate a woman’s privacy. If a little shit shared my DM slides, I’d probably be pissed too.
I’ve got some good news, you don’t actually agree. You (rightfully) believe that both of those things should be offered, where Cruz thinks that neither should exist.
You really had my hopes up... but most of these are healthy snacks—- not standalone meals. Don’t get me wrong- these can be part of a healthy meal- but you’d probably need a few other food items for it to keep you functioning for long, which defeats the purpose of “2-ingredients.”
None of this is new. It was well known at the time of confirmation that she was in an arranged marriage set up by her cult. Dig around a little. Read how submissive she is required to be and ask who - exactly - is making legal decisions in that family. Hint: as ugly as she is inside, it’s the hubs.
Inhumanity kills people. Whether you are a right-wingnut who takes a gun to a school and shoots kids OR a forced birther who takes away the rights of people to their own bodily autonomy ... you are inhuman scum.
...a $275,000 Hermès Birkin bag...
If Ryan had worn anything else, it would have been rude. The night was about Blake’s dress, and the man in the tux is really nothing more than the picture frame to the art of the dress, no?
She didn’t nail anything. The Dress was wasted at this event, because it had no bearing at all on the theme. AND she didn’t even look that great in it. Part of Marilyn’s allure in it was how “free” her body was under it. She wasn’t corseted up, she was sensuous. Kim looks freezedried.