Countless others

The Washington Post magazine cover story for tomorrow is some aging hippie Boomer “teaching” us about how awesome he was in the 1960s and how today’s activists are fucking it all up. (Jealous much?)

The team that cut Kaepernick for his protests even though they didn't have anyone better to replace him with? There is no moral high ground to be found in any NFL team.

Yeah, but you presumably tolerate other people that also paid to go to that gym and don’t act like a pretentious snob.

Yup that’s what I instantly thought as well. It’s like when you hear about a rich person getting busted for diving while hideously drunk. I literally aspire to have so much money that I never have to drive again because I can have a chauffeur at my beck and call, and these idiots are out there endangering lives for

Hot pot is better at home anyway 

Guess I’m lucky, cause I was one of the “people who thought they could just “party like it’s 1999" all through high school and their 20's. HA & 30's!!!” and im doing very well for myself! I just hope I don’t get hit by someone running a redlight or driving 100mph to get to somewhere they hate!

You know what’s really unsettling? His victim not reaching adulthood, let alone her twilight years. Save your compassion for someone who deserves it.

A game that isn’t out yet makes a version of a game that will never be out for a game that isn’t out yet.

Considering that we’re talking about a virulently misogynist, transphobic, racist, I’m having a hard time drumming up concern.

Looks like literal actual diseased human shit.

Legalize marijuana.

Arguing over the rules of an outdated mythology 🤣 🤣 🤣

Pffft...Methodists. Cmon, people, where are your crusades and inquisitions and all that cool shit. This is no way to run a religion.

The fact that this comment is necessary tells you everything you need to know about gamer culture.

Yeah, bigoted people don’t sit around pleating their fingers and plotting their next eeeeeevil act. They live normal lives, do normal things, love their family, love their pets, go to work, eat dinner... its just that they ALSO believe a lot of fucked up bad shit and sometimes express those fucked up bad shit beliefs.

To quote Moms Mabely, “you shouldn’t say anything about the dead unless it’s good. He’s dead. Good!”

Sorry but...


Err, what do you think the hippy gen was reacting to? could it be the same bullshit that has been fucking us all?

…and we all paid our fucking student loan bills, quietly without bitching (too much) about it.