I dunno, I once was told by my off and on partner “sometimes I just like to have a dick in my mouth”......so there’s that.
I dunno, I once was told by my off and on partner “sometimes I just like to have a dick in my mouth”......so there’s that.
gonna steal that , it sounds too hilarious “you stupid mayonnaise packet”!!!!
“Shotgun Kelly”? or whatever his stupid name is.
as a child that once had Mad Magazines, I loved this !
there’s no way I’d spend 700$+ just to play Gta 5 on a PS5
its not that we don’t get the hint, we’re just trying not to be just all about “jumpin’ the bones”!
im playing CyberPunk on PS4 Pro and its running fine. Not flawless, and sure it still needs work. But I’m liking it so far. It’s no GTA 5, but eh.
“i saw a bunch o stuff happening”........ oh may gawd!!!
videos huh? say it ain’t so.....
Rockstar is notorious for this. Not to mention the game cheats to no end. I collected 4 business battle packages which this week amount to 3X payout. Well the game kicked me out of the business battle, my packages disappeared and it demands “Defend your Business”....................nope F U switched game off.
Republicants will do everything in their power, or unpower to profess that it doesn’t exist. Or “its just a hoax”. Or its a Democratic trick to make everyone pay a “asteroid tax”. If a great number of uneducated numbskulls can’t even come to terms with climate changing, they sure as heck won’t accept anything any…
my dad would laugh at me when I would tell him, “he or she is old, they are xyz age”, and it was never too far off from my age
This site once was........................much more. I’m old I know, even “internet old”.
+1 Good to hear about your mom doing well
what if Krogers is the only ones that hire “the hotties”, or A hottie.
No lie, the things you’ll experience at WALMART you have a high probability that it won’t happen at Tom Thumb.
dead............thanks Trump
Future generations:”All that money they got for Jerrys Kids, and all they did with it was build a camera”
Think of all the people that are incarcerated and are finally freed, such as these two and many others. Now imagine how easily these two will gain employment upon release whereas all the multitudes who are released and will not be able to obtain gainful employment because of their criminal conviction. So fair.
bet they think Jerry Fallswell Jr is just a most upstanding and admirable gentleman too.................cause you don’t judge “God’s chosen ones”.