Countless others

everyone and their brother and sister need to be getting the person next to them registered and their trip to the poll planned.......................get this thing out of office

and not tell any horrible stories about his frat days at Temple

74 YR OLD : what do you think I am? A TOP?!!!

we weren’t meant to live that long anyways...................but I still want to stick around for some more “fun”

tldr; Stop choosing the ignorant path trend you’ve been on for eons.

we are familiar with a few dimensions. if something made itself apparent via another dimension, how might that manifest itself so that your meat sack monkey pupil eyeballs could gather the necessary light to view such a thing? burning bush? peripheral agitations? ufos?

if I didn’t play GTA5 online, what else would I be doing?  eating, cooking, cleaning, watching netflix, skipping thru channels with nothing on.............i don’t see any issue.  I cook, I clean, etc etc.

This is displayed all over the world. It defies logic. Someone at my parents work had cancer. They were out for a number of weeks on end and ran out of vacation. Others including a family member of mine donated their vacation time to them so they could continue their chemo. Eventually, they went into remission and

came here to say how mom got me these LED lights that change colors with motion detection, they are the bomb, I love walking around the house and they lite in various colors in the dark, so warm and soothing light at night they stay plugged in all the time

Looks more like a dental dam.

bring on the robo dolls that get out of the car and ring your doorbell in more ways than!

please repeat this, cause I’m so sure they didn’t get the first part.................commence

a small buttered toasted baguette........mmmmmmmmmmmmm

I bought 2 packages (5 in each) of flat ramen that were being DISCONTINUED!!! @ kroger.  I love these! I boil the water, place the noodles in until they are a bit done, then put them in a small frying pan with a splash of sesame oil and brown as I like, add a little orange sauce and a few shrimps, YUMMMM. no broth

reprint that, and when you’ve done that, do it again............

this is going to be the last article I click on like this

Read the headline, thought the exact same thing, came here, was not disappointed, thanks

OH MAN! THIS! “Do not force your presence on others” THIS is the world we live in 24/7 now.   

yeah but the DR. said she could, and that means Jesus is ok with that, as long as its not none of that illegal stuff that will take you straight to H-E-Double Hockey Stix (misspelled cause thats how its sayd)

These are miserable people living miserable lives who’s only comfort is causing other people misery. That is the core of A LOT OF PEOPLE ON THIS PLANET.