Countless others

I drive a 2005 G35 with like 275K miles. I’m the sole owner, and have done my darnest to take good care of it. Just this weekend I washed off like 2-3 months of dirt and MAN did the black paint job still shine!!! Do you KNOW what would happen if I rev’d that car !!!??? It didn’t get to 275K miles and NEVER hit another

don’t forget to name these idiots on rice-burners once the temp outside goes up

Gosh, i love this!!!!  And no she does NOT need to stop.  Ever!

Good lawd haven’t they learned anything from the current administration? Lie, or quasi-lie, turn it around, make up crap, ease the friggin situation, but stick  together good geez...........................stop trying to blow it all before 2020

got a can of tomato soup in the pantry, gonna splash in some milk for the tries

yup my 13 yr old got the creeps and slept in the living room hehe


i finally made Mac & Cheese with shrimp, Scallops, sliced with extra cheese on top and panco. Toasted it in the oven and vuallah!!!!! never gonna make that again given the fat and calories, but yum!!!

man forget them!!! You enjoy the fruits of your labor!!!! Vaca-On!!!!!

he’s not lying, about his experience..................everyones is different hence the separate bodies and all

My last gf was in fourth grade.

this is SO not a womans

im here to tell ya, on GTA 5 Online, i’ve heard kids as little as 7ish and they aren’t talking about sesame street either...................way to go parents

my parents lied to me

lol while you may not be too far off base, try logging into video games these days.......soooooooooooo many fragile egos’ of ALLLLLLLLLL colors.  Please don’t start with the “well video games” mantra, because these same people get out in the real world and do the same thing.  Enjoy the day, as best ya can!!!

it’s about control: repressed-ass, quietly rageful people WITHOUT POWER who want to make eeeeeeeeevvveerybody else bend to their will about SOMEthing! Oh, it’s also about white women CENTERING themselves in every possible way. As well as white women who want to control other women the way white men control them!

think about the long long list of people on FB and Insta blasting, “look at my baby, look i pushed out a baby”!!! but when it comes to when they are old enough to speak and act.................shut up kid!!!!

church cough cough


lol “And I hate wasting it.”