Countless others

i wonder if in my lifetime people will learn to leave each other the F alone, regardless of what makes them go mmm mmm mmm.

we just have differing opinions, you’ll find its quite common on this planet once you’ve been around a while. ease up

we just have differing opinions, its ok really its ok

keep clicking and keep talking about us..........ching ching infiniti

the word is all over this page

he’ll just get some drunk pill popper to write up a paper stating his new “reasons”

there’s nothing to “get”, he patches together tunes, big wow, and is able to find suckers with money..........for a while

with no talent

I was always wanting to pick up the things laying around in the homes in Witcher 3

and yet he has time to call a dictator and congradulat him on his winning election (Russia)

prisons are full chock full of such people, and outside of said prison too..

play it again SAM!!! No car payment for 8 years!!!!! count em 8 years!!! typical car payment with ins = $600 X 12mths =7200 x 8yrs= apprx 57,600 $, yes I am now looking to buy an SUV but man saving money is fun = cool vacations!!!!

“We’ve dated a lot of people who can give us nothing. Why?”

that is def a multi-faceted song, but I reallly liked Chris Cornells version the mostess

but its not really “free”, but i agree with your post

its like GTA5 went full life now .........oh gud

A “real president” would’ve taken the time to chime in and congratulate the pilot that landed the plane. Sure wish we had one...........bueller

Vogue should put a new young woman on their covers, located from all around the country. Such inclusion would really throw people off.

he just doesn’t like that a large percentage of the populace don’t know who goes first at a stop sign....................and the other crap that goes along with those people

lol “look it up” yeah get down to her level gurl,