
Am guy. Can confirm.

HamNo must be so pissed he didnt write this article.

This is how the end begins.

I’m not tired of watching it.

Then don’t ever back anything. There are way more stories of people getting burned by overly ambitious video game kickstarters than there are of quality games coming out successfully and on time. These days, kickstarter is more of a gamble than anything else.



Cool Infidel tattoo brochach.

This is a very solid guide. Good job man.

So... you’re slopping up Fusion now huh? Gawker went down in flames. The Concourse got tired of your bullshit. Now here you are. How long do you think you’ll last here? I give you 2 months.

CA could absolutely survive on it’s own. CA produces a larger variety of fruits and vegetables than any other combination of states. CA has access to more coastline, which means more trade, than any other state. CA produces more taxable income than any other state. CA has more top tier universities than most other

Because everything sucks in a socialist system?

Maybe the hogs should unionize. AMIRITE COMRADE?!?

You forgot to add that no one exercises in groups of people, unless it’s under 3 people, and definitely not in a spin class (or crossfit class, or barre class, or any other class). Also, if you wear affordable clothes that are purchased from a store that sells affordable clothes, but that store happens to be a mega

I love how the Gawker got shut down so they shifted the “edgy” “writers” into some shit hole corner of Deadspin, a Sports blog. I guess Alex and HamNo ate enough ass to keep their jobs.

I had a lawful good Paladin that tried to solve problems with words and reason when the problems involved humanoid characters. He figured that he didn’t need to slay every problem with the sword, that some problems could be figured out if you just reasoned with the parties involved. A tldr version would be one time

Saw the word “union” and knew it was HamNo.

SFV or SV?

You forgot that California dimes are rest of the USA’s 20s.

I thought Gawker was dead?