Ibn Rushd

No, I mean people with active green cards. As a side note, green cards cannot expire; the technical term for having one is having lawful permanent residence (LPR), with emphasis on the permanent. While the physical cards themselves have expiration dates, if the card expires you are still 100% in the same status. The

Very important also to note that MANY of the people detained in immigration detention centers like this are people with green cards, NOT undocumented individuals.

Now playing

Seeker Daily just put out an interesting video on this subject of prison labor. Worth a look.

I think the owners see them as $$$.

And a very large portion of that portion probably call themselves “Christians”.

Voluntary Work Program

The irony being that some of them may have been ‘busted’ in their paltry paid jobs only to become indentured labor in this prison system. You’re prohibited from working — except for us.

Unfortunately we have a not insignificant portion of the population that thinks this treatment is a-ok because these people are undocumented.

Important distinction: none of the people forced to work have been convicted of a crime.

Fantastic news. These private prisons make bank off of forcing people to “voluntarily” work for them. Really excited to see that this suit has gone forward.

Just a reminder that people who are being held in immigration detention centers are not being punished for crimes, but these centers are nonetheless run very much like prisons. I think the operators may not always understand the Constitutional significance of the fact that these people are not criminal prisoners.

Yet another magnificent reason to impeach the circus peanutcase as soon as possible. These assholes and their employers and their shareholders don’t deserve a single penny of profit off slave labor like this.

I’m increasingly certain almost everyone who has seen that sketch has to be constantly thinking of it in relation to US and UK politics right now... it’s hard not to.

I don’t know how many Transformers movie we need, nor do I know how many articles we need about them. What I do know is that there is nothing wrong with asking why the next Transformers movie can’t star someone other then a strait white male actor in the down slope of their career.

I know this is a technicality, but since you yourself said “technically”... Vladimir Putin is not Asian. He was born in St. Petersburg, which is in Europe. He is ethnically Russian, and the majority of Russians live in Europe. And as an ethnic Russian, he is considered — and this does matter, regardless of what other

That’s nice. The Japanese are not obliged to depict themselves in a way meant to satisfy American sensibilities. The end.

Once again, this has to do with Asian AMERICAN representation. Equating Asian Americans to what misguided BS another country does means you do not accept Asian Americans as even being AMERICANS.

The argument seems to be that anything made in “Asia” (whatever that is supposed to mean) results in the characters looking “Asian” to “Asian” people and white to white people. I don’t know that anyone has done a scientific study on the phenomenon, and I’m not willing to argue against it. So, there you go.

How many times do people need to be explained that how you expect Asian people to look and how actual Asian people view themselves are two completely different things? Asian people don’t look at the markers that Westerners have assigned to them, when they are making stylicised images of themselves. They don’t need the

See this is a common argument people make in regards to anime characters. That they don’t look Asian. Here is the thing, in japan if you asked someone what a particular anime character, say like the Major, looked liked. They would say Japanese or Asian. Their default perception of those characters are of Asian descent