The bigoted twat also doesn’t understand that “Indians, Asians, Africans” can also be Muslim. I agree with everything you said. These twats often have more in common with (Abrahmic) religious fundamentalists (and some are themselves) than they care to admit.
Holy shit, what the fuck is wrong with people:
Try a pro-lgbtq quote straight from JC’s mouth:
CPAC is probably the kind to conflate pedophilia with homosexuality (see parts of the Catholic Church for example) and see them both as “deviants” from god-ordained normalitly. Like you suggested they loved Milo because of their mutual appreciation in bigotry and I think this helped them “excuse” his homosexuality.…
This happened a few days ago:
Hi Monique
I wasn’t sure where I could post this so it could get some views, so I hope you don’t mind this sort-of non sequitur reply:
Guess what certain types of right wing Jewish people and White Nationalists have in common? (hint: they both think Islamophobia isn’t real)
Kotaku commenters are a often nice reminder that Western Enlightenment happened (and continuing to develop) despite Those White People (and the PoC that help prop that perceived Supremacy). It’s quite an accomplishment especially when put in that context.
Sometimes the only way to fuck up the patriarchy is to do it yourself (not you personally):
Check out the type of government we managed to form vs what a “culturally backwards” people managed to form in a war-torn area:
Dylan Roof: White America’s latest (of several) boogeyman of a racist. The fact that his views overlap significantly with at least 60 million USAmericans apparently does not count for shit and that he’s still an “outlier”.