
Yes the sex was consensual. But then Bill Clinton lied and said he never had sex with that woman. Then Bill and Hillary proceeded to attempt to destroy Lewinsky reputation and saying it was part of a vast right wing conspiracy. Bill only fested up when they came forward with his DNA. They would have continued to paint

He is pretty much like ‘I couldn’t have raped these women, they are not even really human!’ Yes...THAT IS what a rapist would say.

I think you should wait for the young woman to label herself a victim of rape and trafficking before you institute your “believe the victim” rule. You’re not really believing the “victim” right now as much as you are believing the cops. I’m skeptical the cops would’ve even labeled her a “victim” if she’d been a few

Here’s the thing: this issue is working for them. Our side had better show up for Hillary and the downballot candidates, or this shit is just going to get worse.

I dunno, man. This article was published a little while ago, but it paints a scary and realistic picture of what a Hillary/Trump race would (will) look like:

Thank you. I am also a TA (three weeks away from my doctorate) and I have taught college classes for years. “I feel like” is merely an expression. It means, “I think.” Just as “I was like” is an expression that means “I said” or “I felt.” People (mostly men) who pretend that they don’t understand these phrases, or

I only use “I feel like” when I’m about to talk shit or I actually have no evidence to back what I’m saying and what I’m saying is actually just a guess/feeling. Example: I feel like this bar will just be more fun than that bar tonight.

Rather than condemn millennials—and those, shall we say, contaminated by them—for shirking “responsibility” through discourse, let’s acknowledge our more pressing duty: to stop policing speech, and instead welcome the voices clamoring to be heard.

Yes! I find leading with “I feel...” is a woman thing in the workplace (and life in general too). I know I guilty of leading with it vs. just saying something outright.

Not just the protection of women. “OUR” women. The possesive kind of tells you all you need to know.

It’s because they can no longer shit on gay people publicly without risking a gigantic reprisal.

Yeah, it keeps getting me that laws like this won’t even necessarily target transsexual individuals. Instead they’ll target people who bigots think look transsexual, for however the informant in question wishes to define that phrase.

Of all the things I would like my government to protect me from, trans women in my bathrooms is NOT one of them. Maybe these dudes should ask an actual woman about this issue?

This is really the hill republicans want to die on, huh?

Women say practical things like “but we have stalls in and I don’t care what goes on in the next one, as long as they don’t pee on the seat.”

Aaand, shockingly, people are responding to the ad with threats and fantasies of violence against trans people. Shocking, and also JUST GREAT!

If any set of laws, rules, or customs contains the word “honor” its probably harmful to women.

Also, religious schools should get zero government money. Nothing.

Counter-point: Bananas, Pineapples and Cherries is also the strict diet that Pac-Man was on and dude is round as fuck.