
Wha? You think a dissent has no effect?

Sotomayor’s appointment is one of Obama’s greatest triumphs. Through her words she is manifestly more in touch with the perspective of the downtrodden than most if not all of her peers.

Entirely from thine rectum, got it.

And communities that are systematically disenfranchised commit more crime. Which came first - disproportionate black criminality or systematic denial of human rights to black people/exclusion of black people from the legal market?

Got any data on CPD officer races or are you talking entirely out of your ass?

Psssssh. If you think the murder rate is bad now, just TRY taking away our glorious contribution to the world’s greatest culinary category.

You right, sweet cheesemaker praiser

You're the one who pulled it out of the grays. By troll do you mean doesn't sincerely believe what they say?

Nope. Those two sentences are blatantly contradictory.

Everyone who’s pregnant chose to become pregnant?

We weren’t talking about “the thousands of men who run the country.”

When I volunteered with a rape crisis support org, I worked with gay, trans, and het cis men who were dedicated to countering sexual violence against women.

Your depiction of all men as monolithic is absurd. Some men are greatly harmed by patriarchal mores and hegemonic masculinity and work to counteract those forces. You’re gonna say fuck you to a gay student organizing a donation drive supporting a women’s shelter, a trans man lobbying his representatives to increase

I didn't say it's the job of feminism to make men feel good. That's a strange non-sequitur on your part.

You said white men hate all white women. That is hyperbolic at best.

Why in the world is he not being attacked about his tax returns? The IRS said there’s no reason he can't disclose them. There HAS to be stuff he's embarrassed about in there.

Some men try to not be sexist and some men don't give a shit/are proud of it. You do a disservice to the former when you lump them in with the latter.

Yeah, that’s a fair critique.

A lot of men are mostly shitty, a lot of men are mostly great, all are deeply fallible. Sorry you have had bad experiences with men.