
Masters of Sex & the Americans both bored me

Nah, that's Utopia

Where's Utopia?

I love the Flop House & We Hate Movies, but where's Welcome to Night Vale?

Ron burgundy made Australian specific ads. And we don't even have 24 hour news

There's no weird sex in Delaney!

After The Lone Gunmen predicted 9/11, you'd think Vince Gilligan would be weary of comedic spinoffs

The podcast is amazing, and I hope it can translate to book form without losing its charm

It's funny because Night Vale was started by 2 Something Awful goons, and that site constantly mocks fandom.

I thought the network had accidently run Supernatural at first

Vince Gilligan has a Terminator fetish
I want to review his old x-files episodes through the lens of breaking bad

Wha? It needs to be covered. 9/11, Vince Gilligan..why not?

Firefly was partly based on Whedon's old Traveller campaign
Current American Horror Story is a World of Darkness game

Isn't that In The Aeroplane Over The Sea?

Jeff Mangum better be involved

Dracula and Wrong both sound amazing. Dracula for ironic reasons, but Wrong because you can't have much existential absurdity. isn't that what life is?

Larry & His Flask are great

Larry & His Flask are awesome folk punk and Whores are good Sydney punk

they're no Personal & the Pizzas

pretty much all the werewolves from White Wolf are half-spirit, half-wolf