
i want grant morrison's take on this

i'll probably check out the Bad Religion christmas album, and i want to hear Jim James covering Boib Marley

it also implies that men need to be brooding sexy hunks like Dean

I'm a white male, and this stuff is obvious

i like Amy Pond. as in, the female character who had some sort of character development, so she couldn't even get her real name, just a joke name. when your best female character is actually the nerdbait Whedon girl, you know your have a problem

i sometimes dress like that,but my flatcap is grey
and i'm straight

i love that 'different time' line, 'cause according to Wikipedia LaLaurie was so racist an angry mob literally dragged her out of her house

i heard the videogame is bad

i saw him doing Long Day's Journey Into Night

she's not an actual woman! she's The Impossible Girl!

wait, so Dr Simon Hurt wasn't The Devil or an alternate universe Thomas Wayne, but The Doctor?

Just saw the Futurama

As a writer yeah but the latest season is just annoying

I tended to agree with the Maquis

I liked Badlaa as a kid when I watched it. It taught me about Bhopal and Union Carbide.

Between Rian Johnson's directing and Walt's monologue that's easily worth half the cost on its own

You gotta get out of here! Your vagina is haunted!

He's a Dean Winchester style hunter

Jazzer drop your axe it's the jazz police

I was hoping they'd show how huell palmed the ricin