
Skimmed through the review, no way I'm missing this. Scott Pilgrim is my favorite movie

Already happened with Ant Man

He's an underrated action director… all his movies have fantastic action scenes

As a fan of Ulysses and depressing nihilism, this hasn't helped my mood

I've been looking for that

I unironically agree with you

I don't get it at all, all that CinemaSins nitpicking

It's beautiful

Yeah Dr Strange and Guardians 2 are basically trip films, I love it

No! Fuck realism! I never understood why people like it- give me strange images, cool sights, interesting situations! Emotional truth! Or just pure surrealism.
It's why I loved Speed Racer and Scott Pilgrim.

The second one, and I have it

In a basic sense, I use videogames to put my brain into a 'holding pattern' where I'm not actively depressed. More recently, Nier Automata dealt with some existential issues I'm dealing with. And Everything tricked me into listening to an hour of Alan Watts mindfulness lectures, and even gamefied the idea of

Which I'm happy for, since it's pure game, pure meditation…Everything is so beautiful

This game is so beautiful and chill, I love it

Time enough at last

Nothing makes sense

I'd be happy if everyone stopped talking about 'plot holes' like anyone cared about nitpicky 'logic'

The first Mad Max movie wasn't even post-apocalyptic. It's just rural Australia. And apparently Australians still do worship their cars like that