
Fury Road is one of my favorite movies, and the use of mythic truth is part of that. It makes symbolic sense, as well as being kickass & beautiful. I can watch it a million times & never get sick of it.
The recent Mad Max game is pretty good & really leans into the religious angle, with cars being called 'Archangels'

The Nier games are kicked off by a dragon apocalypse in a hidden ending of Drakengard

It's based on a first person shooter.
For the GameBoy.
That's apparently good.

I was on his side until that profile, he sounds like a douche


After seeing Ex Machina, I wanted to slap him too

Stereotypical edgy teenagers. Think Reaper from Overwatch

It's originally from FYAD I think but it's spread

I was about to post this, AV Club used to be cutting edge but now it's all about Weird Facebook

Nah, Arioch, the Melnibonians, the Dancers at the End of Time…they all have some style, some flash, some dignity. Trump doesn't have that

'Overly earnest'? Fuck off, JD's been through shit and earned that earnestness. It's cathartic for him and his fans.

Superchunk are awesome

The only lyricists on par with JD are Craig Finn, Wil Wagner, and Courtney Barnett

It was pretty subtle when they literally spent half a book in Mordor

It's a meme format, but I do like the Dark Tower better than LOTR.
The orbs are literally palantirs tho, Eddie or Jake lampshades it

You: lol Trump orb Palantir
Me, an intellectual: The Crimson King has left The Dark Tower & acquired the last orb of Maerlyn's Rainbow

Ah, you have also read the later Dark Tower books.
The connections are more absurd

It inspired Bloodborne

It's the only F&F I saw, it's a real movie.

Brotherhood of the Wolf inspired Bloodborne, so it gets bonus points.