
We all like to score off the Donald, and let’s face it, the man is a clinical idiot; it’s easy. BUT, if this comes up with friends or family, here is a brief explanation of why hydrogen vehicles aren’t particularly dangerous.

The question is, why is he even bothering talking about it when it’s an almost nothing issue with Hydrogen fuel cell cars havbing a near-zero presence?

“Regardless, the Trump campaign has been putting on events for over eight years at this point. You’d think they’d have this figured out by now.”

At this point, you’re a complete fool if you believe a word that man says.

Tesla, especially CyberTruck

Let’s see if they had been drinking.

They weren’t even chasing anyone, they were on the lookout. How the fuck are you gonna be on a lookout driving at that speed?

1 3 1 2

Pounce and Generate ... that fits. Effin’ cops ... too many of them think they are not only “above the law”, they “are” the law. While the truth is too many of them don’t know the laws they pretend to enforce.

This wasn’t even a police chase, makes this even more senseless.

At some point, SURELY some people will start to realize that building and buying houses near the FL coast is a pretty bad idea. When I was a kid the only older houses I recall seeing near the beach were ones made out of concrete and cinder blocks. None of the newer McMansions they built ever since will stand a chance. 

I doubt many of them are smug. They have their own worries around getting a charge somewhere. A full charge in most EVs might get you to GA, assuming you don’t run the A/C. But the problem is the part of GA where you’re going to be stopping for a charge is also experiencing flooding.

I bet it’ll have one of these guys.

You know this and Tesla knows this, but how many customers spent one second thinking about this before they signed the paperwork? 

Manufacture a vehicle that is heavy enough that you can avoid some safety requirements since it is classified as a heavy duty truck and then act surprised when an insurer wants to insure it as a commercial vehicle.  

Can’t drive it or sell it. Love the car though! 

At first this seems hilarious but these are the types of assholes that would drive around with no insurance.

*Friend, profusely bleeding from multiple points in his head, clearly needs to get to a hospital.*

Jack: Bro, hold my phone and film this!

And then he accelerates. Def not low speed.