What is the air compressor for? Is that standard on diesel powered cargo trucks?
What is the air compressor for? Is that standard on diesel powered cargo trucks?
Newer routers have a sticker on them with the default admin password - some alphanumeric gobbly-goo. Not sure if an older router would have had that setup initially but its worth giving the box a good look-over for any stickers like that.
I have a 2017 Bolt and LOVE it, almost 30k miles in 1.5 years. I’ve lived in a house and apartment with access only to a 120V L1 charger, and that works for 95% of the city driving I do. Longer drives or road trips? I use the Plugshare app to find a fast EVGo charger.
Its quiet, torquey, and functional. My wife thinks…
I live a block down the street from where this van gets parked. Its owner likes to chill outside at the downtown Starbucks on Friday and Saturday nights: stormtrooper hat, shirtless vest, rocking back on his chair. Never talked to him, but imagine he’s as interesting as his van...