
The gas tax hasn’t been raised since the early 90s. Hybrids getting 40-50mpg pay substantially less than traditional gas cars. I hear no one ever ask those to pay more.

Today I learned a skid steer is $100k WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK. Like big backhoe or something sure that tiny little thing GTFO

What do they think that mass of police cars will do that a single car cannot?

People with 911 Turbos and $120K to spend on another toy don’t need the plebs to be offering advice. They’re just trolling to show off their wealth.

I have lived and worked in this area most of my adult life. I was here when 9-11 happened, in fact on the Pentagon property that morning about 15 min before the incident. We’ll learn more, but I’ll just say that there has been a very noticeable uptick in helicopter traffic in recent years. For me it became most

Siri, show me a metaphor for 2025.

The Musk fanboys will talk all day about what a genius Musk is because he can dig holes cheaper than anyone, but you will find that they will be very light on real facts. That’s because there is absolutely nothing special Musk did. His Boring Company bought one or more existing used tunnel diggers and just dug a hole.

What a stupid description...it’s like they don’t even know how their own system works.

Imagine trying to go 150 in that half-assed tunnel the way Musk insists you’ll be able to do.

There seems to be so much wrong with that Vegas Loop system.

Digging the tunnel wasn’t a bad idea. Not laying down tracks and using an automated tram was.

Imagine the monotony and mental abuse you’d have to endure being a driver on that job — probably long hours, crap pay, and nothing but loud, annoying, self-absorbed convention goers — often drunk and obnoxious — making the same dumb comments and jokes over and over, every 5 minutes. Plus nothing but artificial light

Rougher than napkin math but my rule of thumb has always been, for every 10 degrees down, you lose 1psi. So if your garage is 60 and it’s 20 outside, you’ll lose 4psi. Not a huge deal if your tires are at 30. If you’re at 20, though, that’s a 20% drop. Especially if you drive a BMW.

A set of Nokian snows at 20psi will turn a FWD minivan from a sled into a tank.

And what you fail to mention is that GM is a private business and makes it’s own money. Asking for a taxpayer handout so they can double-dip on charitable tax breaks later is ridiculous.

It was literally mentioned in the report as the reason researchers started studying building sink rates, which is explained in the article. 

I don’t have a good feeling about the success of this car. The gas engine one with it’s pure excess and all its Murica was such a Trump mobile. I feel like they just lost 75% of their clientele by going electric on this one.

Buc-ee’s is a horrible company run by terrible people. Buck Fuc-ee’s.

Here in central Florida the biggest issue is definitely tinted plate covers. Just by the sheer number I see I know that the cops aren’t doing shit about it. It’s obscuring your plate, plain and simple. Like the most slam dunk ticket ever.

Come on super hurricane...