
So true. I used to have a G/O tab permanently open, but recently I forgot to check Jalopnik and Gizmodo (the only two G/O sites I still look at) for three weeks and I didn’t even notice. There’s simply little reason to visit anymore. They sold off the good sites, turned off comments on others, and routinely screw

The reasons people leave Hoonigan, and Donut are exactly the reason people leave Jalopnik and G/O

I work in entertainment, and this is one of the realest and truest things I have heard someone in this industry say:

Your CT does not believe in hesitation. Your CT believes that real leaders make bold decisions and move forward. Your CT believes in you. As a result, the accelerator may or may not disengage when the brake is depressed if your CT believes that stopping will leave you short of achieving your full potential.

Also seen screaming “Lawn Hoarder!” whenever his 24/7 Fox News shows a man with a bit of pigment getting uppity.

Funny how police departments can suddenly find all kinds of reasons to fire a cop who enforces the law on rich folks.

Some part of the truck hit him in the neck, removing his head from the rest of him?

Something tells me Spencer has also used the words ‘should have complied with police’ when reacting to yet another unarmed person being shot.

This is so nuts that somebody would design a car like this.  What problem are they solving, having these electrically operated doors?  It’s so stupid, I don’t get it.  Also flush door handles, what problem do they solve?  They look cool I admit, but other than that, why?  Looks like they might actually be dangerous. 

It baffles me how a vehicle designed to hold 90 plus kwh of electricity in it’s battery pack cannot keep a 12 volt battery topped off. 

If only there was a way to open a lock without electricity...

“As for Sanchez and her Tesla, she says she’s a fan of the brand, but told AZ Family that this latest episode has shaken her faith.”

Ok, Airline pilot here. So, night visual approach. I’m just spitballing but there is an airport to the NW of OKC that has been mistaken for OKC at night. You come flying in, request the visual approach, you see a runway and start to go to it but the low alt warning comes from ATC and then they realize they lined up for

Does the US have many trains that regularly go over 100mph?

100% correct. If Tayor Swift never used another fossil fuel item the rest of her life (not sure that is actually possible), the difference in CO2 emissions would be immaterial.

Yeah, this is an important distinction. If I go to the grocery store, I literally have no choice but to bring home all sorts of plastic bottles. Milk, juice, condiments, produce, bread, yogurt, meats...it’s all contained in plastic. Now the burden is on me to properly sort, clean (if possible) and drop everything off

The smartest thing the oil companies ever did was to invent the term “Carbon Footprint” and shift the pollution blame to individuals.

And therein lies the rub....she either attempts to fly commercial and turns every airport she enters into a stampeding, screaming shit-show, or she flies private and burns a lot of petrol.  The latter actually seems more sane, more efficient, less dangerous, and far easier for herself and staff.  Meh.

As many of the singer’s biggest fans point out, the alternative for Swift is to fly on public planes like the rest of us. However, I don’t know if you’ve seen the chaos that follows her wherever she goes, but I certainly don’t need that pandemonium when I’m passing through an airport.

Congratulations to Boeing on achieving a truly special level of incompetence to make even SpaceX seem responsible and competent in comparison.