There are NO good intentions here. It’s 100% racist, anti-government bullshit.
There are NO good intentions here. It’s 100% racist, anti-government bullshit.
Like most every other comment, I will say carbs.
Yep. Whether un/underinsured covers a hit-and-run driver who is never identified varies by state.
Based on my experience, uninsured/underinsured only covers you if you have another party to put the claim on. In a hit and run situation, comprehensive/collision would take over.
‘“I think her entire campaign is: she’s a Marine, she’s a mom, and I’ve been there too long,” McConnell said.’
“While “competent” isn’t glowing praise, it might as well be...” No its b.s. praise by someone who cant bring themselves to write an entire article on Biden without snark even when he performs well. Especially when their only critique seems to be, “he wont use the exact words I want him to use because he is wisely…
yes but that would look poor
The way this has played out has been one of the most depressing things I have ever seen. In some ways, even more depressing than Trump’s win in 2016. I have always felt (perhaps wrongly, as the Bros keep telling me) that Bernie poisoned the well in 2016. I blame him, at least in part, for Trump’s victory*. And in the…
A story...It was 2015 and 2016 and Bernie jumps in the race. It was a rough-and-tumble battle, and I understood the dislike for Hillary Clinton amongst Bernie’s folks, if even I thought that it was sometimes too heated and seemed too personal. I got it. I could completely see how many of us understood that Hillary…
And, BTW, I think either Bernie or Biden will beat Trump. I’m honestly not worried about that. Super Tuesday should be very encouraging regardless of who you voted for, because the suburbs - which we saw trending in our rout of the GOP in the House in 2018 - absolutely surged even more than they did in 2016. I also…
I feel a rant coming on after last night...
Watching this from Canada, I remain mystified at how Warren isn’t winning this thing in a walk. She has so much in common with Sanders as far as policy goes, that I would think she and Sanders would be more or less equally popular among people who want to see substantial structural change in your country. But she…
You may write me down in history
Sticking to sports is a recipe for boring, low traffic articles.
You guys are awesome. It is not hyperbole to say that this site often gets me through the day. Keep up the good work, and for the love of god do not stick to sports.
This line from Brady says it all.
It’s been like this ever since he started drinking that brain and nerve tonic that Artie Burns gave him.
Trump jokes with the first responders and their families that the stage may not hold all of them but that if it collapses they “are not falling very far”