I don’t think the Excalibur has “base-bleed” rocket assist, which is what gives the LRLAP (what a mouthful) it’s longer range.
I don’t think the Excalibur has “base-bleed” rocket assist, which is what gives the LRLAP (what a mouthful) it’s longer range.
LRLAP was developed for use on the Zumwalt class. So R&D costs were supposed to be spread out across the lifetime of orders to support the class (plus anything else that adopted the round later).
Amazingly enough, the Zumwalt’s guns would still have a longer range than the Iowa’s (24nm vs 30nm)
No it wouldn’t. In addition to the fact that the Iowas would need tugboats, pumps and a hundred retired guys to get underway, the Zoomies will still out shoot their range even with these rounds
the more purchased, the lower the individual unit price.
The first tanks in WWI sucked, does that mean the British should have said “well I guess this whole idea is bad?”
What did you think was going to happen when you elect a guy living midtown as POTUS?
I assume it’s contingency in case POTUS needed to be scooped out of NYC in a hurry.
Seriously, a C-130's no big deal. When you see a Tu-95 circling, then you can panic!
You don’t generally fly training missions over the most densely inhabited area of the entire United States at low altitude and in circles over a 5-block radius in broad daylight.
This is much more likely to do with our POTUS elect.
Is that Sully looking for the Hudson River?
Cheers! To the greatest generation the world has ever saw. We will never see a generation more bad ass.
Is it really though? Genuinely asking, I’ve never seen one from this angle before. My only experience with one was in a negative-4G inverted dive, so it was hard to tell much about it.
Hoping for the best. If he ejected at altitude he has a decent chance, although cold water is friends with no one.
70 Arleigh-Burke destroyers > 4 Kirov battle cruisers.
Fareed Zakaria had an interesting take on the phone call. Priebus’s previous correspondence with Taiwan indicates that it might actually be a strategy, which would seek to gain leverage against China via open relations with Taiwan.
Quit spamming the comments section.
“We are literally arming China’s enemy”