I would think the Chinese would be just as happy to see Seoul take over the north.
I would think the Chinese would be just as happy to see Seoul take over the north.
It seems to me the only real option here is to horse trade with the Chinese, a situation made somewhat problematic by the South China Sea mess.
Ok follow the bouncing ball :
Worry all you want.
Wrong Clinton.
They have plenty of money....every OSHA office I’ve ever been into has plenty of people sitting silently in cubicles staring at computers instead of going out into the field.
You are exactly correct.
Except the same is true in general industry, where in most every state employees traded the right of negligence suit for workers compensation systems.
Somehow the world thinks we give a shit about their opinion of our internal politics.
I don’t disagree with you, but I would argue that’s their job.
“Meanwhile, workers are left to build ships at their own risk without a government that cares about their welfare.”
Until Americans tell them to stop. Sorry dude that’s the way it works.
Sorry dude, no vote for you. You will just have to sit passively by while we, the greatest civilization on earth, choose our own leader.
Well, he isn’t an outsider now, he is the elected president of the United States.
Nah we are good here. And the rest of the world doesn’t have to worry about mandating what we can do for them every damn day now.
Canadians should worry about Canadian nukes. Or at least meeting their 2% GDP NATO treaty obligation.
Because Hillary was exactly the same as every other democrat in the last 30 years, and would have turned her Clinton royal family attention to racing the shit out of me while outlawing jobs and progress and security in favor of interspecies love-fests or other such inane society changing mandates.
Friends from a different tribe.
Or Hillary. There was a real confidence building option.
Anyone except Hillary.