
Actually dabbing has its roots in the puritans. The meaning was “I Doth Avoid Beastiality,” implying the other person was given to inappropriate relationships with his livestock. Eventually the “I” was dropped, similar to “the” being dropped from “of the clock” and turning into “o’clock.” The motion was meant to

I never knew I needed pictures in Shinigami’s comments, until they were added.

I’ve been naying so much, I’m getting horse.

Glad you dig it. This is an easy one to see through to the true ending, though! I recommend it.

Ahhh. An Anthony John Agnello piece is just the thing to help the new place feel more like home.

Thumbs Up/Down makes sense because its rooted in Roman gladiatorial tradition of letting the crowd decide someone’s fate. Thumb’s Up means you should kill your opponent, Thumbs Down means to bury your sword in the ground and spare them. It’s a quick visual representation of what someone should do with their sword

Assuming equal quality in posts before and after kinja, I’m feeling like I get a lot less likes than I used to which means bad? I’m seeing a lot less regulars too, so either everyone has changed their name or the population is dropping.

Thumbs up at least made sense. You give a quick sign to say you’re ok or something is cool. People will know what it means from far away. Dabbing takes a lot more work and looks 100 times more dumb. What does it even mean?

When I was a child, I spoke like a gibbering psychopath, I thought like a spree killer, I reasoned like a racist.

I’m fascinated by the dichotomy of the amount of hours grown men will pour into proving they are the very best at a children’s game, all while games like Halo and Grand Theft Auto are filled with foul-mouthed 12-year-olds.

This was one of Purdom’s better articles... but why is it re-appearing 6 months after it was published?

Oh no, I haven’t studied! And I’m in my underwear!

I think you guys made the wrong call on this. Have there been penis drawings on Miiverse? Sure, it’s happened (and they generally don’t stay up long, no pun intended). Generally speaking, though, it’s a much gentler place than Twitter and Tumblr, less weighed down by the harsh realities of life and the worst impulses

I’m gonna miss Miiverse, though its death has been an inevitability for years now. Sometimes you could get a genuinely helpful tip while you were stuck on something or find some pretty neat art, just like Nintendo dreamed of when they first envisioned the service, but mostly I’ll miss the beautiful shitposting


Neo Bowser City, because I’m a sucker for the entire aesthetic of that map xD

For the most part, I think all of the Mario Kart 8 tracks knocked it out of the park, but my favorite is the remake of Ribbon Road. The track design is solid, but what sets it apart is its atmosphere. Shrinking the characters down into a Toy Story-style playroom is genius!

If it’s any comfort, anyone who’s using the Kinjamprove plugin is seeing pending comments integrated alongside the rest, with no greying!

Now playing

I was hoping for some pure nostalgia from this thread, but mostly it just brought up my salt at not having a Switch yet. Anyway, one track that’s particularly underrated is Neo Bowser City from Mario Kart 7 (but on Mario Kart 8). I like the Blade Runner-esque aesthetic and the need for incredibly precise drifts to

I like almost every track in Mario Kart 8 - the only one I’ve really played extensively - but I have to go with Mount Wario. It has virtually everything for me: a beautiful, snowy backdrop, a constant shift of environments from mountaintop to cave to forest to ski slope, and a crazy design unlike all the game’s other