
I’m very glad you enjoyed Wishbringer so much! As you say, it’s a really streamlined, solid, and refined take on the core components of the earlier Zork and Enchanter titles. Specifically designed to help entice newcomers to the many wondrous worlds of Infocom— it’s sensational to know its virtues still hold up today.

Montezuma’s Revenge

Even having been of a certain age where I watched Lawnmower Man with my parents, bug-eyed, imagining the non-horror-movie implications of the technology, before being abruptly pushed out of the living room during an awkward sex scene, I’ve been slow to embrace VR. Even with games like Catlateral Damage and Viscera

I just finished The Last of Us Remastered (both the main campaign and the Left Behind side story) over a very explosive 4th of July weekend (seriously...every single neighbor was setting off fireworks throughout the night). There’s probably some thematic resonance there, but I’m too lazy to look for it. I started both

Backlogged: Brass Hyrax Edition

Replaying Last of Us 2, for two reasons.

One, to have a “gamey” playthrough, as my first was a “story” playthrough. Naughty Dog does an absolute top-tier of a job of immersion in its modern games if you let it — “let it” meaning skip the desire to put the main plot on hold to poke around. You always can tell where

Hey, all, long time no see! Like, months and months, I think.

Having spent most of the week grinding my way to getting a better quality rocket launcher, last night I finally completed Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker. Which, as I said a few weeks ago, has been far better than an unnumbered MGS game originally released on PSP has any reason to be. Only gripe is that, as with so

That is the problem with these sprawling IPs. You can’t keep straight with the tons of material and it creates an ever constricting backlog of continuity.

Dragon Ball was one of those phenomena that I was born like a week too late to appreciate. It felt like there were a few people my age hanging onto their childhood shouting, “Yes, Saturday morning cartoons! This is my jam!” but I was more into Frasier in middle school. And, presumably, puffing my billiard pipe

I’m going to start off talking about tabletop, since I managed to finally get in some Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition action. As I’ve mentioned before, we have a local gaming group Goblins & Growlers which does drop-ins and one-shots in breweries. Said one-shots do fit into an overarching narrative so it’s a semi

Now playing

I bet once they get around to a game focusing on the Saga of Yamcha, then the franchise will have reached the appropriate stopping point.


You still earn credits like you would key with the rocket pass. Except there’s no credits for non premium users. Used to be that you’d get free decrypters, which were keys with probably a worse RNG attached.

I'm shoving the discourse in the garbage where belongs and playing Pokemon Sword this weekend, in between looking up old cartoon shorts on Disney+.

I’m gonna try to finish up Death Stranding this weekend. Loving it so far

November the 15th of the 19th year highlighting Our Almighty Mikkelsen 

So I’m kind of interested in finding a good racing game. I have historically been AWFUL at racing games, so I’d like to find something with a good learning curve. Forza Horizon 4 has some neat quality of life stuff from what I’ve seen, but I don’t have an XBox One and there is NO effing way my laptop can run something

With last week’s horrible tyfoon (I wasn’t near Tokyo so it was pretty mild here thankfully), I mostly spent the three-day weekend gaming and doing household tasks. A friend and I bought Remnant From The Ashes and we got waaay into it. It’s always easier to get into a game when you’re doing co-op but that’s giving

Yep yep, agreed. There’s always gonna be some degree of dissonance, culturally or subjectively from different personality types with whom we connect in these stories with eccentric characters. But in Somnium Files there’s just this nonstop inundation of ribald shenanigans that buries the tone, pacing, and spirit of