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    Fascinating! I really didn’t get that far (Early Twoson) in Earthbound, so I should have really just jumped into the guide and followed it...I keep forgetting that exists, and on the Wii U it’s really cool to have it built-in to the Virtual Console title.

    I have Wings and Defender of the Crown on the GBA! Those were great ports, especially because I couldn’t afford the originals in my Amiga days, and I only had a pirated copy of Defender that took me a while to learn how to play (I don’t think I ever won a joust on the Amiga). I wanted The Three Stooges game for a while

    Is that the Gamecube one, or the later Wii one? Soccer is the one game I have played the least of in Mario Sports Superstars, but I probably should try it in earnest at some point.

    It’s not scuba diving, per se...just diving for sea anemones, kelp, and other bottom-dwelling sea life. You can rent one on the Island Kapp’n serenades you to, and if you play enough of the Island games and earn Island Tokens, you can buy a suit to take home...

    Sorry I don’t yet have MK8DX to join you! Tough to justify right now, and I think Rocket League is next on my “car combat” genre purchase list (especially because it’s cheaper).

    We played our first home game of Forbidden Island by the guy that made Pandemic this week! We invited my aunt over to play because she likes board games, and it was only the second cooperative one she’s ever played. By the time we finished, my aunt was starting to get the hang of the concept, so she’s ready for Pandemi

    I can’t believe I missed an entire season of Fortnite. As far as that game goes, I have enjoyed what I played, but really the Playground is the true value of the game for me - I’ve already exhausted my desire to both cower to a Top 5 and attempt to kill others, and I want to actually enjoy and explore the island’s cont

    This weekend, I don’t have anything specific in mind to play, but I have a lot of open fires going...

    Where would 90's games have been without that chiaroscuro artwork? I can’t help but think of Alien Syndrome and most Cinemaware games as...

    There are certainly games like The Stanley Parable that are taking the light-hearted and even self-deprecating approach to being an unreliable narrator - the notion that the game recognizes there are problems with not only games, but itself, and does it with aplomb.

    You’re most welcome anytime, and I was just throwing out games like Into the Breach as examples of modern indies that run well on older hardware...I agree that your setup seems to be fine for now, but can’t wait until you are ready!

    I’m going retro, but saw a lot of my (our?) Switch friends going Modern. I think it was just two of us on Team Retro last I checked.

    You should have played Trumpet Winsock Troubleshooter 1997. That was way beyond my skill level at the time.

    Folks like you that will cherish the horse grooming and dedicated “Howdy” button over yadda-yadda shooter mechanics are why we can’t let Gameological go quietly into the night.

    I really do love how effective lore can be when done right. I am dying for more physical media as companion to a game experience; I want something tangible and tangential to read and immerse myself into the world when I’m not playing, as I feel in-game lore can drag a game down, even the greatest of those like Metroid

    As someone that doesn’t have another current-gen console, I can’t say much about the value of a Switch for you, but it’s been invaluable for me in terms of keeping up, but it’s not been the travel panacea for me yet, as I still enjoy playing my 3DS. The fact you have a laptop that can play games like Into the Breach

    Happy Friday, Everyone! My travel season is over, so I’m now home weekends for the foreseeable future, and I’ll have a lot more time for games.

    Thanks so much for writing about Terraria! I have it on my 3DS, and struggled to even get started. It has a weird lack of precision and lack of simplicity that makes Minecraft so compelling, and the pre built setting means an accidental tap knocks out a crucial wall or item before you’ve had a chance to learn to

    No worries! It’s fun handing those out from cool places (and Starbucks)...

    As I wrote to Singing Brakeman: